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8 Small Things That Tell A Lot About A Person


  1. Speech. The way, a person speaks tell us a lot about their attitude and personality. The more educated a person is, the more polite he tends to become.
  2. Fashion sense. You should never believe a person who tries too hard to appear cool wearing trendy clothes and costly shoes. He/she is a manipulator and obviously big imposter.
  3. Handwriting. It may be little debatable but the more creative and lazy a person is, the roughest his handwriting gets. On the other hand, organized and disciplined people have good handwriting.
  4. Hygiene. You can easily figure out if a person is disciplined or not by noticing their hygiene. Those who maintain hygiene have high self esteem and they tend to love themselves.
  5. Smile. Smile can be deceiving most of the times but it shows the person is strong and he is trying to live a normal happy life.
  6. How a person treats animals. Those who loves animals are often the most joyful and full of life.
  7. If a person admits his mistakes immediately and asks for forgiveness without letting his ego come in between, it tells a lot about his upbringing and personality.
  8. How a person treats his lover and the most importantly how he treats his competitors.

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