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22 Ways To Continue To A More Happy Living

  1. Don't take life too seriously.
  2. Make laughter central to your daily life and give no damn about what everybody thinks.
  3. What you love makes you happy. There’s a connection between what you love and your destiny. Don’t ignore your emotions. They’re there for a reason.
  4. What you feel should never control your happiness. Happiness should control what you feel and how you feel it.
  5. Read joke books or watch comedy movies and TV programs. Read story books, especially novels. They make you forget your miseries—for a while.
  6. The most sure way to kill your happiness is to watch horror movies. Avoid them at any cost. They’re no good for your soul.
  7. Happiness is highly contagious. Find happy friends and inflict them with laughter—and get stuck with them.
  8. Find a good reason to be happy, and hang onto it like your life depended on it.
  9. Move to a place where people are happy, or move to a place where people want to be happy.
  10. Eat chocolate. Scientists tell us that eating dark chocolate actually works chemically to improve our moods. Dark chocolate contains compounds that stimulate endorphins, the same compounds that are released after you exercise or laugh. Now you know.
  11. Avoid arguments, quarrels and bitterness. They only poison your mood.
  12. Team up with a bunch of happy people, or form a ‘happy club’—you’ll never be sad.
  13. Do you love listening to music? You should. It soothes your nerves. If you don’t, I pity you.
  14. Fend off negative thoughts, and negative feelings. They only add to your misery. Cultivate positive vibes.
  15. Most of you will not like this—stop watching porn. Doesn’t make you happy. You end up masturbating—which drains you from the inside-out.
  16. Meditate and listen to soothing, calming, relaxing, and spiritual music. Many people will not agree with me, but hard rock or heavy metal music kills your peace.
  17. Just decide to be happy. You don’t need a formula or the psychology of happiness to be happy. There’s no formula for happiness.
  18. Whenever you feel sad, just take a deep breath 3 times and breathe out slowly. Release your sadness and anger as you breathe out. This works more than a thousand other formulas.
  19. Take a jog or walk your dog. If you don’t have a dog, jog anyway. Fresh air is rich in oxygen—which injects new life into your system.
  20. Forgive everyone who has ever offended you, but more importantly forgive yourself.
  21. Don’t take your sweet sleep for granted. Doctors recommend 6 - 8 hours of sleep per day. Biologically, there are nutrients which can only be manufactured when you’re asleep. The longer the sleep the more the nutrients produced.
  22. If you have a flower garden, tend it regularly. Flowers emit a healing scent. Greet people as they pass, including your neighbors. Find an excuse to laugh by cracking a joke.

10 Facts Most People Ignore Until Later In Life


  1. Health: I see it with my nephews. Most people eat what they want very early in life. The #1 cause of death still holds, Heart Disease. You can use food as medicine early on, or medicine as food as you age. Your choice.
  2. Relationship: Most practically chase and hunt for a partner early in life. They desperately seek someone to “complete” them. Thriving to have the house, marriage 2–3 kids and live this fairy tale life that is portrayed through social media. Relationships are work. Go into a relationship with something to offer, not looking for a savior. Add to what someone already has, no need to “complete” someone.
  3. Career: Many chase a particular career looking for happiness. Only to find out years down the road, you were chasing the wrong thing.
  4. Happiness: It doesn’t come from money. While money can make things easier, money alone won’t bring happiness.
  5. Who thinks what: Exactly. I spent years worrying what others thought about me. I would make so many choices in my life due to my own insecurities and not by my character. I was like a chameleon adapting to each environment differently. Most are too consumed with their own life to worry about yours. And those that judge you, says more about them than you.
  6. Friends/Family: I have a very small friend group. While families can be toxic, when you are down and out, family will always have your back for the most part. As will a few good friends. It’s quality over quantity.
  7. Toxic people: I spent years trying to conform, or hell, even change toxic people. You will learn it’s impossible to change others. It’s hard enough changing ourselves let alone trying to control others. Take care of you, and most things will fall into place.
  8. Media: They arent here for our greater good. They preach hate and division. America is being raised on drama and most are falling for the bait.
  9. Self care: Mentally, physically and spiritually. Take care of yourself and your body will thank you as you age.
  10. Choice: Life is full of them, good and bad. Choose wisely, because the bad ones can have lasting consequences.

Some Signs Of High Intelligence

Please note: This brief was taken out of  many answers on the quora website. Thanks.

To edit my answer better, and elaborate on the points I made, these are very basic compared the pure nature of high IQ which is typically more dynamic and strange than just these points.

To once again edit and avoid some confusion, I know and see some people read my answer as entirely ADHD, I do have it; yes. Quite ironic how I mentioned it first. But to clear up confusion, high IQ from my perspective does have some aspect of thought rumination that is not ADHD.

So to continue, I'll example better points such as what other people have mentioned as well.

  • Being a lone person, someone who thinks on their own away from the crowd
  • Collected, well thought out intuition
  • Visualization skills such as spatial memory which can be applied to artwork or other creative forms
  • Hyperthymesia (unnormal and oddly large memory of childhood)
  • Strange different interests such as specific and/or advanced subjects that others are not aware of at their level standard

And the ADHD points as an interaction between high IQ and ADHD:

  • Inability to prevent certain ruminative thoughts [ADHD related so that certain ideas or concepts in tunnel vision seem important and to be focused on actively]
  • reading several books at once (different pages from each book alternatively and taking away a lot of information from a small passage)
  • writing with full-heart intent on numerous topics
  • feeling concealed and thinking inside your head
  • having many like-minded people that may be above your age or the same age and older
  • having social misunderstandings that make it complicated to think in a well-thought-out fashion
  • having an addictive personality, or some type of schedule that makes sense to you because of time management [chewing gum, exercising in different ways, listening to music on repeat]

But there's more to this, these points are only so common and since this is picking up more traction. I'll make some more points.

  • Extreme interest and care to explain to other people
  • The extreme want to teach others, or share the facts or opinions with someone else
  • Making strong connections to only certain people that agree with very specific aspects
  • Making connections to fields of knowledge which generally wouldn't normally be put together.
  • Umbrella ways of branching thought patterns (umbral studies)
  • Knowing many things at once, and only practicing a group of them at a time before getting burn out and moving onto another set

Now I've come to a strange predicament. I was sitting at my desk and my mom comes in and says “River I need to talk to you" going on to rant about school work, she pointed to my desk with her eyes, and said, “I don't like how you are so careless with your space, you have so many books all over the floor and desk, your surrounded by books”

And I said: “yeah, and?”

She says: “yeah, that's not normal", that's when I realized I think at my desk, my life is at my desk, I work for life at my desk and have since I moved In, I'm genius, I'm not normal, I have physics notes and everything all over the place.

So, adding to the list:

  • Seclusion, hoarding, surrounding yourself with like items, and tunnel vision all together

Getting some comments asking whether it's anecdotal or not, I'd say partially. 

I took a lot from online stories, myself, education videos, and friends as my sources. Have a nice day.