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10 Best Ways To Improve Life


  1. Laughing More - The world has way too little laughter. Make it a daily habit to laugh out loud, to truly lol, once at least.
  2. Reading Books - 1 Book a Month at minimum, 4 if you want to quickly live a better life. Self-Improvement Books about specific things you want to add to your life are a great start.
  3. Reaching Out First - If you want to have more fun with friends then you plan the events. Don’t wait for others to get you to the life you want and take the first step yourself as often as you want to.
  4. Exercising Regularly - 4–6 days a week with at least 1–2 days of cardio.
  5. Going Outside - Nature, Fresh Air, and calm, relaxing breezes are sometimes all you need to take the edge of a stressful day.
  6. Scheduling your Day - Unconscious Time is Waste Time. Conscious Time is Not. Regret only comes from the empty spaces in your calendar.
  7. Meditating - Too few people nowadays look inward for fulfillment and try to fill their day with distractions. Learn who you are. Take 10 Minutes every day to be with yourself.
  8. Being Charitable - Give what you can. Ideally so much that you are just very slightly uncomfortable doing it, for that is where you find the most growth & reward.
  9. Showing Courage - It is often said that you regret more of what you didn’t do than what you did do. Show enough Courage in your Life to let these moments be as few as possible.
  10. Consciously Training Your Mind - How you talk about yourself and what you think each day are a large part of what makes up your world. Train this to be positive, supportive and empowering. Write down empowering thoughts and repeat them twice a day. Find proof of these thoughts in your memories and you will strengthen yourself even more.
  11. Being More Active - In both life and relationships, try to take the active role. Fill your days with more events and places-to-be, and add activities to all your relationships. The more you do the more you gain from life. Limit your time sitting alone at home.
  12. Saying ‘No’ - If it is not a clear, unequivocal ‘Yes’ it defaults to a ‘No’. Say this word more often and make your own plans.
  13. Saying ‘Yes’ - Try yourself at more things that scare you, that make you uncomfortable or that you know are good for you. Give yourself the courage to exit your comfort zone; it is where most of the magic happens.
  14. Being Vulnerable with Others - Yes, this can bite you in the butt, but most of the time it will be the gateway to a much deeper relationship or friendship. Be brave; you’ll be rewarded with more than you will loose.
  15. Experience More - Spend your Money on things that give you experiences rather than the newest, hottest product that will be outdated again in a months time. For memories, unlike things, last a lifetime.

8 Small Things That Tell A Lot About A Person


  1. Speech. The way, a person speaks tell us a lot about their attitude and personality. The more educated a person is, the more polite he tends to become.
  2. Fashion sense. You should never believe a person who tries too hard to appear cool wearing trendy clothes and costly shoes. He/she is a manipulator and obviously big imposter.
  3. Handwriting. It may be little debatable but the more creative and lazy a person is, the roughest his handwriting gets. On the other hand, organized and disciplined people have good handwriting.
  4. Hygiene. You can easily figure out if a person is disciplined or not by noticing their hygiene. Those who maintain hygiene have high self esteem and they tend to love themselves.
  5. Smile. Smile can be deceiving most of the times but it shows the person is strong and he is trying to live a normal happy life.
  6. How a person treats animals. Those who loves animals are often the most joyful and full of life.
  7. If a person admits his mistakes immediately and asks for forgiveness without letting his ego come in between, it tells a lot about his upbringing and personality.
  8. How a person treats his lover and the most importantly how he treats his competitors.

How To Make The Brain Sharper, Smarter, And Lightning Fast In Thoughts


  1. Learn to see everything in terms of opinions and facts. You don’t need to spend hours reading if you understand what the author is trying to get across. Once you have the essence of the idea you’re good to go. This also proves well when learning. It’s always about the idea, never the way that is used to describe or to explain the idea.
  2. Learn to condense information into a few words. Everything that can be said, can be said simply (Ludwig Wittgenstein). Meaning you take complex information and put it into key terms. Complex into simple. This way you learn to understand and understand well.
  3. Whilst you learn, also train your language. Try to write out your thoughts every day. Get better at it, get quicker at it, get a new life skill.
  4. Learn every day, whether that translates into life lessons or specific subject matter.
  5. Try reading something you’re not versed in. Difficult. Do that more often.
  6. Stay open to new ideas, places and people. Learn from them. Have your brain re-wire around these ideas, places and people.
  7. Never ever shut down. There is no point in becoming complacent or adhering to a very closed-off belief system. Make sure you’re always learning or else you will come to regret it at some point or another.
  8. Be on the way to find and act in accordance to truth. You can’t go wrong being truthful, you can only learn, get smarter and quicker.