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The Benefits Of 9 Popular Minerals To The Human Body

1. Calcium: Helps strengthen bones and teeth. It also helps give muscle tone and controls nervous irritability.

2. Magnesium: Helps muscle relaxation, it is a soothing and energizing natural, also participates in the energy balance of neurons, thus keeping the nervous system healthy. 

Helps to fix calcium and phosphorus in teeth and bones is involved in hormonal balance, helps prevent cardiovascular disease, optimal relaxation and sleep, and control intestinal flora.

3. Sodium: it is very important in the cellular metabolism, it participates in the transmissions of nerve impulses and in the muscular contractions.

4. Iron: Helps correct tissue oxygenation and helps oxygenate cells.

5. Chloride: It participates in the transportation of oxygen to the cells, maintains the correct pH level in the gastric juices and stabilizes the body fluids.

6. Fluoride: Strengthens the enamel preventing diseases of the teeth. 

The excess of this compound is toxic and can cause fluorosis, with the opposite effect to the one we were looking for, as it weakens the enamel (causing more cavities), and weakens our bones (decalcification and osteoporosis).

7. Bicarbonate: They aid digestion and neutralize gastric secretion.

8. Sulfates: They help the digestive system in general and the skin.

9. Potassium: Does not generate a notable benefit due to its small amount.

Have a nice day.

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