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How To Cure And Improve Sexual Impotence

Sexual impotence is also referred to as erectile dysfunction and affects more than 10 million men in the world today. Impotence refers to the inability to produce and maintain an erection in order to perform sexually.

 Sexual impotence is a surprisingly common problem and most men have experienced this condition at least once in their life.

 While nearly eight percent of men between the ages of 20 to 39 have reported cases of erectile dysfunction, nearly sixty percent of men over 70 suffer from sexual impotence.

Cases can range in severity and incidence depending on the underlying causes of the condition.

 Unfortunately, impotence is surrounded by social stigma and many men choose to suffer in silence rather than consult with a specialist or doctor to treat the situation.

Impotence can be classified into three different types:

Primary Impotence:

 Implying chronic erectile dysfunction from the beginning of any type of sexual activity.

Secondary Impotence:

The most common form of sexual impotence, where incidents of impotence occur in between normal sexual activity.

Impotence with Age: A gradual decline in the sexual performance and the ability to maintain an erection due to age.

Symptoms of Sexual Impotence

Sexual impotence is marked by the repeated inability to achieve or maintain an erection for sexual intercourse.

 Other impotence symptoms include loss of interest in sex, fatigue, feelings of guilt or anger, and depression.

 Relationships also tend to suffer due to impotence.

Causes of Sexual Impotence

Sexual impotence or erectile dysfunction is caused by a lack of blood supply to the penis.

While this is the primary biological or physical cause for impotence there are several other conditions that can cause impotence.

 In many cases the presence of some other condition may also cause impotence because of its interference with blood circulation. Some common causes for sexual impotence include:

Vascular Disease – Vascular disease is a condition that affects the veins and arteries, causing a thickening of arterial walls.

This causes the blood flow to get restricted and weakened affecting the extremities and also the genitalia.

 This in turn leads to difficulties in maintaining an erection or even achieving one.

Diabetes – Studies show that there is a definite link between diabetes and sexual impotence, though the exact causes are not clearly understood.

Experts believe that diabetes affects the blood flow and causes nerve damage that can lead to impotence.

Alcohol and Smoking

– Excessive drinking and smoking can lead to erectile dysfunction by hampering blood circulation.

Alcohol also interferes with the balance of hormones and the production of the male hormone testosterone that may result in impotence.

Diseases and Illnesses – Diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s and other conditions that affect the nervous system can make achieving and maintaining an erection difficult, by restricting and preventing the correct response signals sent from the brain to the body.

Inactivity – Lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle can affect the cardiovascular system and in turn affect sexual functioning.

Psychological – Stress, long work hours, depression, anxiety, guilt, and embarrassment can also cause sexual impotence.

 Apprehension about impotence can cause anxiety and fear of failure that may lead to a repeated inability to perform sexually.

Remedies for Sexual Impotence

The treatment for sexual impotence depends on its underlying cause.

 The first step towards a cure for any sexual disorder is to overcome and ignore the stigma that surrounds the condition and speak to a specialist, doctor, or even a therapist if required.

 A diagnosis is reached only after a number of tests are carried out to identify the underlying cause.

 The treatment of sexual impotence includes oral medications, penile injections, and mechanical aides such as implants and vacuum pumps.

 Products such as pumps work well when impotence is caused by vasculogenic factors.

 Prescription and non-prescription drugs are available to increase sexual libido, balance hormones and improve sexual potency.

Many commercially available medications tend to have more of a psychological effect and experts believe that there is no real value in this type of placebo effect treatment.

 However, there are some drugs such as Viagra that have transformed the way sexual impotence is treated.

While an expensive option, medications such as Viagra are very effective, but patients need to keep their health care providers informed of any other health conditions, because of the risk of side effects or interactions.

Hormone therapy for sexual impotence involves the application of skin patches or the administration of injections containing testosterone.

Based on the belief that impotence is caused due to a decrease in the levels of testosterone in the body, these injections and patches improve libido and reduce instances of erectile dysfunction.

Male hormone replacement therapy is used mainly in older men, but does come with its own set of complications and side effects such as the development of prostate cancer.

When sexual impotence is caused by vascular problems, surgery may be an option.

 Vascular surgery has a high success rate but it is an expensive option that is irreversible.

When no other medical alternatives seem to be working, penile implants may be considered.

 Penile implants are prosthetic devices that are surgically implanted into the penis.

 Penile implants come in two varieties – passive implants that consist of silicon rods inserted into the penis and active implants, which involve the use of inflatable silicon pouches implanted into the penis. These pouches can be manipulated manually to achieve and maintain an erection.

Home remedies for sexual disorders such as impotence include the following:

Regular massages help relieve nervous energy, relax the body and reduce anxiety.

This can help considerably to lower the occurrence of erectile dysfunction during sexual intercourse.

Home remedies for impotence also include cold hip baths where the pelvis and genitals are immersed in a cold bath for ten minutes every morning and evening. This helps invigorate and activate the nerves in the area and reduces impotence.

A daily exercise routine that includes yoga has been proven to be highly beneficial in the treatment of sexual impotence. Certain yoga poses such as halasana, dhanurasana, and sarvangasana are especially effective.

Other home remedies for erectile dysfunction include adding seeds, nuts, fresh fruit and vegetables and grains into your daily diet to improve overall physical and mental health as well as to improve blood circulation.

Boost Your Immune System And Corona Virus Precautions Tips

Our immune system is essential for our survival. Without an immune system, our bodies would be open to attack from bacteria, viruses, parasites, and more. 

If the immune system encounters a pathogen, for instance, a bacterium, virus, or parasite, it mounts a so-called immune response and goes on attack to defeat the foreign invader. It is our immune system that keeps us healthy as we drift through a sea of pathogens.

With the world’s current state of affairs, and since it’s highly unlikely you have a an immunity to Covid-19 (at this point) we should be talking about the best ways to boost your immune system. 

This way, when you do encounter the virus, your body is on guard and prepared to attack. Perhaps the greatest thing you can do, to maintain a healthy immune system is high-quality nourishment. ๐Ÿ‡๐ŸŽ๐Ÿฅ•๐Ÿฅฆ๐Ÿฅ—

Unfortunately, the foods that we eat today are not what they once were. Foods are grown in depleted soils. Genetic modifications. Fast foods. Canned foods. Sugar in everything. The list goes on! Unfortunately, this leaves our bodies susceptible to diseases and illness.

Genetics also play a key role in our immune system functionality. Recent studies now demonstrate that as much as three quarters of immune traits are influenced by our inherent genes. (Source: King College) The good news is your genes do not dictate your ultimate fate! It has been said, “Your genes load the gun, your environment pulls the trigger.”

This is why I am such an advocate of Customized DNA Nutrition. Knowing which genes you’ve inherited, and how they impact YOUR overall immune system, is more important now than ever before! 

When facing threats, (such as Covid-19) it's critical we take appropriate measures to strengthen our immunity! 

As for me and my family, we are thankful to have a custom blend of plant based vitamins, herbs, superfoods and spices, that were perfectly paired to our DNA, to help support our bodies overall immune system!


 A few simple precautions that can help protect you from dangerous viruses

 1- Wash the hands periodically with soap for 20 seconds

 2- Avoid shaking hands

 3-Prefer to stay home rather than go to the crowd

 4-Cover your mouth with tissue or tissue when sneezing or hanging

 5-In the case of a nozzle, throw in the trash after using the tissue.

 6-If you are experiencing fever, cough, difficulty with breathing and also have a fever, contact closest center.

 Protect yourself and your family from being a crony by proving yourself a responsible citizen. Many Countries are beginning to ease and relax their lock down state, while some others have been forced to still extend it. 
Covid -19 has revealed many lapses in our ways of living and our systems of doing things.๐Ÿ”Ž Covid-19 has shown that a large percentage of business mode of operationmodus operandi has undeniable flaws, especially lacking capabilities to work remotely.
 ๐Ÿ“‰ The entire planet is reevaluating life and how we live in it. It is forcing everyone to take responsibility by adopting ways that are Safe, Clean, Lean and Green.

It is also forcing people not to race, but to experience the grace of a slower pace. if your source of income is knowledge based, you are without restrictions, as you can transact from anywhere even from your  home and even the bedroom during lock down and quarantine. 

The internet is the new play ground. What does it mean to adapt to new ways? 

1. Are you realizing just how wasteful our over consumption has been and that without venturing out for a shopping spree we have almost everything to keep us sustained?

2. Are you noticing how greater focus on your family and more time to receive your family’s warmth is giving greater life satisfaction than before?
3. Are you noticing that you are no longer in a rush to reach your office in time or to complete a job before a deadline leading to your creativity and productivity being higher than before?
4. Are you realizing that you don’t necessarily have to travel to meet your friends and colleagues and that they are just a “Zoom” call away?
5. Are you realizing that cinema watched at home may be more satisfying than that watched in a movie hall?
 6. Are you feeling like learning something new from home?

The COVID- 19 has made the world take notice- industries affected most communities. mental health and wellness. The people whose livelihoods have been compromised will need assistance with daily living expenses. 

Their Families are overwhelmed by these dare Circumstances- the food services industry has been crushed, the Education System worldwide has been put out of business-COVID- 19 Global Pandemic...Affects everything...

For many companies now, it is important to figure out a lot of things as lock down eases and we are beginning to move around. Over the years, we thought we have mastered every industry best practices, but there are still open flaws.
 Make it yours too by upgrading for success in health opportunities whereby you work remotely with your Laptop or and smartphone within the comfort of your home. 

In all thy getting, get services and products that people cannot do without, it must be scalable and most importantly easily executed ONLINE!
“In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity,” said Albert Einstein. This is our opportunity to: Be responsible, kind and support one another in a greater capacity. Be creative and rise to this new and unknown challenge ahead of you.
Strive to make our world a better place setting the highest standard. Folks, please don't you ever forget that we are all in this together so let’s reach out and help one another! 
Go that extra mile. Give a long distance smile if anything at all. Enjoy your time and Stay Safe until this corona virus phase passes by. All the best. Have a nice day.

Healthy Lifestyle And Ideas For Daily Living Beyond 2022

However busy you are, observe the tips below to help remain  or improve being healthy:


Drink less milk in your tea. Instead, add lemon or lime juice.


In the day time drink more water; but night time, drink less. 


In the day don't drink more than 2 cups of coffee.


Eat less oily foods. 


Best sleeping times are between 10pm to 6am.


In the evening, eat little or nothing after 5 or 6pm. 


Don't take medicines with cold water but with warm, and take your medicines half an hour before going to bed. Never take medicines and lie down immediately. 


As you age, stop drinking chilled water but drink only water at room temperature 


Try to sleep for at least 8 hours per day.


Having a nap for an hour and a half between noon and 3pm, to relieve stress and keep younger and not age easily.


Once your mobile phone battery is left with only one bar, don't make calls anymore, because the dangerous radiation and waves are one many times higher than a fully charged battery.


Use your left ear to answer calls, right ear will directly hurt your brain. ๐Ÿ˜ณ Better still to use earphones to answer calls.


Two things to check as often as you can:

(1) Your blood pressure

(2) Your blood sugar.


Six things to reduce to the minimum on your foods:

(1) Salt

(2) Sugar 

(3) Preserved meat and foods

(4) Red meat especially roasted

(5) Diary products

(6) Starchy products


Four things to increase in your foods:

(1) Greens/vegetables 

(2) Beans 

(3) Fruits 

(4) Nuts 


Three things you need to forget:

(1) Your age ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

(2) Your past ๐Ÿค”

(3) Your worries/grievances ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ


Four things you must have, no matter how weak or how strong you are: 

(1) Friends who truly love you

(2) Caring family

(3) Positive thoughts

(4) A warm home.


Seven things you need and helps to stay healthy: 

(1) Singing 

(2) Dancing 

(3) Fasting 

(4) Smiling/laughing  

(5) Trek/exercise

(6) Have sex often with your spouse

(7) Reduce your weight. 


Six things you don't have to do: 

(1) Don't wait till you are hungry to eat

(2) Don't wait till you are thirsty to drink

(3) Don't wait till you are sleepy to sleep

(4) Don't wait till you feel tired to rest

(5) Don't wait till you get sick to go for medical check-ups otherwise you will only regret later in life

(6) Don’t wait till you have problem before you pray to your God.


One thing you can do after reading these health tips:

Forward this to your loved ones and friends. ๐Ÿ˜๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’– Have a nice day.
