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Water As A Mineral

Mineral Water is water that contains minerals or other dissolved substances that alter its taste or give it a therapeutic value. 

Salts, sulfur compounds and gases are among the substances that can be dissolved in water. 

Mineral water can be prepared or can be produced naturally.

Traditionally, mineral water was used or consumed directly from its source, which was commonly known as taking the waters or taking the cure, and such sites were referred to as spas, baths or wells. 

Spa was used when water was consumed and used in baths, baths when water was not widely consumed, and well when water was not generally used in baths. 

Frequently an active tourist center would grow around a site of mineral waters (even in ancient times, see Bath). Such tourist developments resulted in spa towns and hydrophonic hotels (usually abbreviated as Hydros).

In modern times, it is much more common for mineral waters to be bottled in the source and distributed for consumption. 

Traveling to mineral water sources for direct access to them is now uncommon, and in many cases is not possible (due to exclusive commercial property rights). 

There are more than 3000 mineral water brands commercially available worldwide.

The mineral water is that which is extracted from the subsoil already mineralized naturally from its origin, due to the materials through which it crosses and, the deeper the source is, the purer it will be. 

This is because it is further away from micro-biological and chemical contamination of the earth's surface. The biggest differences we can find between a natural water and a mineral water are the taste, the smell and its mineral content. 

These characteristics are provided by the rocks and sands by which, in most cases, they are filtered and give a unique and special touch depending on the area from which it is extracted.
Mineral contents
Slightly carbonated mineral water. Source of ferruginous water.
According to its mineral content water is classified as: 

Mineralization very weak: Its dry residue (total minerals present) is up to 50 mg / l. Mineralization weak: They are those that contain less than 500 mg / l. Strong Mineralization: Contains more than 1500 mg / l dry residue. Bicarbonate: Contains more than 600 mg / l of bicarbonates. Sulfated: Contains more than 200 mg / l of sulfates. Chloride: It has more than 200 mg / l of chloride. Calcium: Contains more than 150 mg / l of calcium. Ferruginous: Contains more than 1 mg / l of iron. Acid: Contains more than 250 mg / l of CO2. Sodium: It has a content higher than 200 mg / l sodium.  

Magnesium: Its content exceeds 50 mg / l of magnesium. Fluorinated: Contains more than 1 mg / l of fluoride.

Benefits to the human being
Benefits that these minerals contribute to our body:

Calcium: Helps strengthen bones and teeth. It also helps give muscle tone and controls nervous irritability.  

Magnesium: Helps muscle relaxation, it is a soothing and energizing natural, also participates in the energy balance of neurons, thus keeping the nervous system healthy. 

Helps to fix calcium and phosphorus in teeth and bones is involved in hormonal balance, helps prevent cardiovascular disease, optimal relaxation and sleep, and control intestinal flora.  

Sodium: it is very important in the cellular metabolism, it participates in the transmissions of nerve impulses and in the muscular contractions.  

Iron: Helps correct tissue oxygenation and helps oxygenate cells. Chloride: It participates in the transportation of oxygen to the cells, maintains the correct pH level in the gastric juices and stabilizes the body fluids.  

Fluoride: Strengthens the enamel preventing diseases of the teeth. The excess of this compound is toxic and can cause fluorosis, with the opposite effect to the one we were looking for, as it weakens the enamel (causing more cavities), and weakens our bones (decalcification and osteoporosis).  

Bicarbonate: They aid digestion and neutralize gastric secretion.  

Sulfates: They help the digestive system in general and the skin.  

Potassium: Does not generate a notable benefit due to its small amount.
Natural mineral water is currently being used as a luxury product since, in addition to the different origins and forms of extraction, the industry is taking advantage of to give it a touch of exclusivity through its design bottles.


Many companies dedicated to the extraction, manufacture and exploitation of this natural resource, are giving false testimonies of the origin, properties and specific classification of its product. 

Some companies may name their product as mineral water, being that they are actually bottling "purified water", there being a great difference between them.2


In many Spanish-speaking countries the term "mineral water" is commonly used to refer to "purified water," "demineralized water," or "still water." Precisely, mineral water contains these minerals that characterize it and produce the gas in the water. 

If the gas is removed from the mineral water it is left with a different flavor to "purified water" or "demineralized water". 

The correct way to refer to water is "mineral water" if you want to drink sparkling water or "purified water, demineralized or simply water" to refer to the still water.

How To Stop Worrying And Go To Sleep At Night

You need enough sleep. You need enough sleep in order to function and in order to restore and rejuvenate your mind and your body.

Tens of millions of people have insomnia and other sleep problems. Stress, worry and fear can be major contributors to sleep (and non-sleep) problems.

It is very common for people to toss and turn all night or sleep too few hours or not sleep at all.

This may often be due to one's mind continuing to focus (at top speed) on problems instead of shutting down at night and resting.

When I was in my 20's, and a money market trader on Wall Street, I had the very same problem. I had a job that required me to function at an extremely high level, continually, all day long. From 7AM to 7PM.

I could not go to sleep at night because my mind was still racing, reviewing the day's work (and problems) and planning the next day's work (and problems).

The lack of sleep began to interfere with my ability to function on the job at the required high level. If this continued, I would not be able to do my job effectively and I would soon be tired, and fired. I had to get more sleep.

When I realized that it was my mind that was keeping me awake until 1AM - 2AM, I decided I had to do something about it. What did I do? How did I solve the problem? What I did was make a deal with my brain.

The deal was that when it was time to go to sleep I would take all my problems, worries and fears out of my brain and set them down on the nightstand next to my bed.

I promised my brain that all my problems, worries and fears would still be there on the nightstand in the morning when I woke up and I would pick all my problems up off the nightstand, put them back in my brain, and my brain could start spinning and racing and worrying all over again. After a few nights of trying this it began to work. I fooled my brain.

I trained my brain. Now, when it was time to go to sleep, I was able to lay down, put my problems and worries and fears aside, and go to sleep.

And in the morning, I was refreshed and ready to face the day. That was decades ago and since then, when I get into bed, I lay down my troubles. And have no trouble going to sleep at night.

In addition, I learned something else; a lot of the things I worried about at night disappeared or lessened when I went to pick them up off the nightstand the next morning.

When it's time to go to sleep, the day is finished. Put your worries down. When day is done and it's time for sleep, there is nothing more you can actually do right now about your existing problems, worries and fears.

Put them down on the nightstand, or, if you prefer, place an empty box next to your bed to put your problems in at night. Don't worry, all your problems, worries and fears will still be there in the morning. Or not. Meanwhile, you can go to sleep.

And, if you wish, you can even write down your worries on a piece of paper and physically put them in the box. And, in the morning, you can once again pick them up. Or not.

As for the box, any empty box will do. Any color. It may help if the box has a lid and you can leave it open to easily put in your worries, problems and fears. No, it doesn't have to be a large box. Unless you have a LOT of worries.

Andrew Lawrence is the author of more than 20 self-improvement books. Unlike many self-help books, his books are short, easy to read, and easy to understand. Read free excerpts at:

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How Well Do You Know, Your SELF?

Many of us, suffer, from choosing to try, to be, like everyone else, rather than, trying to become, merely, the best, we can possibly be!

In order to do so, it's essential to begin, with a commitment, and a willingness, to be, as introspective, and objective, as possible, so we aim, to satisfy our personal needs, rather than focusing on pleasing others, and/ or, fitting - in, with the pack! In other words. ask, how well, do I know, my SELF, and why, I should like that person, and if, there's anything, I should do, to make myself happier, healthier, wiser, and more contented/ self - satisfied/ pleased?

With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, examine, consider, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why this makes a significant difference, for our personal, well - being, and, thus, overall health!

1. Strengths; serves; special; stronger; solutions; sustain: How well do you know your personal strengths, as well as weaknesses? Is the way, you proceed, through life, serving your best interests?

How are you special, and what might you do, to better use your skills, and strong - points, to make you stronger, and better able, to proceed, through, your life? What might you, commit to, in order, to sustain your existence, and make yourself, as self - satisfied, and personally, proud and pleased, as possible?

2. Effective/ efficient; ego; energy/ energize; excellence; endurance: Are you proceeding, in an efficient way, so your efforts, are as efficient, as possible? Are you proceeding, based on the negative tendencies, of your ego, or on what's genuinely, best, for you? What do you do, to inspire and motivate yourself, and energize you, in a positive way, to proceed, through life, with positive energy?

How will you demand, you proceed, with your utmost degree of genuine excellence? Only when you feel good, about yourself, will you have the needed and necessary endurance, to go forward, rather than give - in, to obstacles and challenges! Will you perceive obstacles, as challenges to overcome, rather than negative problems?

3. Listen; learn; live: Listen to your inner - self. and learn, what makes you truly happy, and why? Will you commit to truly, living, rather than merely, existing?

4. Free; faith; future; fruition: Will you proceed forward, to free yourself, from self - imposed limitations, and have the personal faith, in your abilities, and believe in your self - worth? How will you look, to the brightest future, and bring the best objectives, to fruition?

Pay attention to how you might make your SELF better, healthier, and more motivated! It's always, up - to, you!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:

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