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The Advantages Of Drinking Freshly Juiced Vegetables

Drinking a daily vitamin packed drink of your choice that includes romaine lettuce, celery, stalks kale, apples, lemon, and fresh ginger (or make your own drink)

To eat healthy we need to eat daily one pound of raw vegetables for each 50 pounds of body weight. 

By juicing this amount, it is very easy to get 50% of your body weight’s requirement of raw vegetables. 

 Raw food is important to our body because when it is consumed, it does not raise our white blood cells like cooked food does.  

 It did not change when raw foods or low temperature cooked foods were consumed.

Health juices are not a new thing over history.

Lime juice cured scurvy in the16th century, saving thousands of sailor’s lives. 

But our generation has only recently discovered the nutritional and biochemical properties of fruit and vegetable fresh juices.  

 Juicing is the cheapest and most economical method to maintain the health of the individual in our time today.

 It was discovered that the best time to take a juice drink is in the morning and during the evening.

Freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruit contain more vitamins and minerals, along with enzymes, than any canned or fresh juice. 

When making your juice, always include a dark leafy vegetable such as spinach, broccoli, cabbage, or beet tops. 

It was discovered that the best time to take a juice drink is in the morning and during the evening. 

Within ten minutes after consuming the drink they are absorbed into the bloodstream. 

This is an advantage to drinking freshly juiced vegetables as compared to eating fresh vegetables and fruit. 

Eating solid foods take several hours to digest, while a fresh fruit or vegetable drink is absorbed quickly into the system.

The fiber is lost due to the juicing process but a higher amount of nutrients goes into the body and its system.

Why You Should Only Take Sips Of Water During Mealtime

Large glasses of water impedes the digestive process by diluting the gatric juices.

Taking several sips of water at a mealtime as compared to drinking a couple of large glasses per meal seems to be a personal preference unless there is a medical reason or a weight loss is desired.

Several sources say that at the present time there is no proof at all that water aids in the digestion process.  There is enough water in the fruits and vegetables to supply this. 

But what I noticed is that an excessive amount of water consumed at a meal dilutes stomach acid concentration.

This is very necessary for food breakdown of protein and other nutrients.

 I also noticed that the body couldn’t handle large amounts of water at one time because most water at a meal usually has ice in it.

If water is drunk lukewarm or at room temperature, it will not interfere with the body’s temperature as much as ice water does.

If a person has a medical condition like a hiatus hernia, too much water at a meal will trigger it.

Water drank between meals, not during meals, is the most important time for its consumption regarding health issues.

To remove toxins and waste products from the body, water is needed for the flow of their elimination.

It also is important for the circulation of our body’s fluids and temperature regulation.

In 1910, a study was done on a young man who drank 3 liters of water with his meals for five days in a row.

The findings showed: an increase in body weight of two pounds in the five days; increased amount of excretion of urinary nitrogen; increased output of ammonia, due to an increased output of gastric juice; decreased excretion of feces and of fecal nitrogen; and a decrease in the quantity of bacteria excreted daily.

How Make Your Children Get The Nutrition They Need

Most parents would worry that if they keep their children from eating those fatty foods that they love, and only offer vegetables, that the children will starve, or have nutritional deficiencies. 

These parents feel that the kids will just not eat the food. 

If you think about it this way, how much nutrients are they receiving from the fatty, processed foods now? 

If their diet consists of French fries, mashed potatoes, apple sauce, chocolate pudding, and maybe chicken fingers, how could it be worse if you only offer fruits and vegetables?   

Sure, maybe they will demand to have the foods they like, and not eat. 

They will eventually get hungry and if you keep offering fruits and vegetables and do not give in, you will see that they will begin to enjoy it, especially if they see everyone else in the family eating healthier.

Incorporate bean soups, such as yummy lentil soup and if that doesn’t work make your lentil soup into a “lentil burger”.   

You may have to gradually change their eating styles. 

Try making fresh bean and/or vegetable soups with some cheese sprinkled on it.   

Make sure it is tasty, and not too spicy. 

Make homemade pancakes with wheat and only sweeten it with pure raw honey.   

Make fruit shakes and throw in a carrot or romaine lettuce.

Make tasty salads with homemade dressings and also make faces out of the tomatoes and cucumbers and carrots. 

Make tasty salmon and have them try it. 

There are so many possibilities and recipes that you can try. 

Do not give up on your child because they have shown a dislike for a vegetable or fruit.  

 Just eat it around them and watch them ask you for a piece. 

Keep offering it to them at dinnertime and ask them to eat a couple of bites. 

If children eat plenty of fruits and green leafy vegetables, they are also getting their calcium requirements. 

But you could also include some almond milk or rice milk if you want.

The focus is to keep introducing them to new foods so that they develop a taste for natural foods that we as humans were meant to eat.