Smart people aren’t necessarily rich and successful people. They are smart because they think differently, speedily, synthesize facts, curious, risk takers, analyze, perceptive, quick to adapt and adopt, and quick and eager to learn. To be able to learn is their life blood.
- They don’t waste time in mindless stuff like passive tv watching, partying, aimless social media interaction etc. It doesn’t mean they don’t do it. They do it in extreme moderation, will hold it to benefit their time and learning and never at the cost of other potential things.
- They know their priorities and prioritize everything. This includes their time, leisure, rest, goals, jobs, and friends.
- They think about everything and try to figure out the how's and whys even in their day to day life. A cup falling on the floor and still not breaking, a strange pattern on a leaf, a mother trying to burp her baby after feed, a queer text-line in a song on radio, any and all of this can trigger their explorative mind to think for several days. Something that rarely occurs to other normal people. Sometimes they will jump out of their bed in the middle of the night just to quick look a topic/ question in a book or internet.
- They make notes of interesting things and love to carry them around or keep it where they can easily access it anytime anywhere. Their note-making strategy is an effective tool in keeping touch with with their ideas and forgetting them once they have been learnt. A normal person even if he has learnt something new, will likely forget it easily and won’t care about it either.
- They are extremely curious about everything. They will wonder over words, sounds, meanings, textures, procedures, hidden aspects of things. Living with a smart person mostly means getting to hear incessant questions.
- They ask a lot of questions. Some questions may seem outright stupid, irritating and weird, but that’s how their minds function. Their ability to question is by far their biggest strength.
- And asking is never enough for them. Far from it. Their questions will keep tormenting them like a hunted animal until they have found their answer. Their tenacity is frightening. They’ll happily lose several night’s sleep thinking about it, tearing down shelf after shelf of books, scouring libraries in town and comb searching internet just for the sake of one bloody answer. It is not uncommon to find over 50 tabs open on their computers at any given time. This is where a normal person is different who doesn’t normally asks, and doesn’t bother much about answers, even when he does.
- They read a lot. On a daily basis. And often mind-heavy substantial stuff, not light-hearted- romantic-sweet-nothings. They read not because they want to be smart, but because they can’t keep themselves away from learning or studying about things that is naturally utmost interesting for them. Common people only read for pleasure and fun or to pass their time. They only study to pass their tests and obtain a certificate.
- They don’t invest their energies in things they know won’t benefit them, such as sports if they are nerdy, partying if they are studious, watching films they can’t learn anything from…And when they have a mission on hand, for example finishing a book, finding an answer, finishing a project- they will work with single-handed determination and relentless energy sometimes (often) working without eating, drinking or even sleeping; their work and passion supersedes their physical needs. A normal person cannot think of working on these terms.
- They engage in debates and discussion in any situation to discover perspectives, explore opinions and argue their points with people. Any chance of a discussion is like dangling a juicy bone in front of a dog. Unlike most people, they don’t feel insulted and aggrieved on losing a debate, nor turn aggressive trying to prove their point. They love ideas and perspectives.
- They like being alone with themselves. Being alone for them is like charging their battery when they can think and reflect and work out their ideas or questions. They don’t tolerate crowds and noise so much as their brain needs silence and solitude to be able to work.
- They continually improve themselves and continually test themselves. Every failure of theirs becomes a stepping stone for their next step. They view each difficulty as a chance to test themselves.
And this is their daily life! Make no mistake about it…