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10 Powerful Quotes You Can Live By Daily


  1. Don’t wait for things to get easier, simpler, or better. Life will always be complicated. Learn to be happy right now. Otherwise you’ll run out of time.
  2. If you don’t do stupid things while you’re young, you’ll have nothing to laugh about when you’re old.
  3. Nothing is permanent. Don’t stress yourself too much, because no matter how bad the situation is,… it will change.
  4. One of the biggest mistakes we make is assuming that other people think the way we think.
  5. Standing alone doesn’t mean you’re lonely. It simply means you’re strong enough to handle situations by yourself.
  6. When you truly don’t care what everybody thinks about you, you have reached a dangerously awesome level of freedom.
  7. People will desperately start missing you the moment they realize they can’t replace you.
  8. If someone treats you badly, just remember there’s something wrong with them—not you. Normal people treat others like they would like to be treated themselves.
  9. If you want to know someone’s mind, just listen to their words. If you want to know their hearts, watch their actions.
  10. There comes a time when you have to realize that you’ll never be good enough for some people. When this happens, know that it’s time to judge whether it’s your problem or theirs.

16 Life Lessons To Live By

  1. Start a friendship first then the relationship.
  2. Treat people how you want to be treated.
  3. There’s a special power in responding and not reacting in life.
  4. Anyone that comes on strong sexually in the beginning of a relationship isn’t relationship material.
  5. Health is more important than I thought and trying to get it on track at 46 is more difficult than if I was 26. Haha
  6. When someone shows you who they are the first time believe them. Don’t wait for them to give you a second and third viewing.
  7. A person that cheats and lies to you doesn’t value you as a person and definitely never respected you.
  8. I’m my best friend. And at times I will be all I have. I need to love my own company and if I don’t, I need to figure out why.
  9. You’re never to old to switch careers or do something you love. You will never know unless you take risk.
  10. Stop saying tomorrow. Today is your tomorrow. Nothing changes if all you do is think about what you need to do.
  11. That person your chasing, you know, the one that lied, cheated and betrayed you? You can do so much better. You don’t believe me? Clean your side of the street and watch who appears in your life.
  12. When you put your awareness and lessons into action will come wisdom. With that wisdom you can do some amazing shit.
  13. Pay careful attention to the most painful challenging times in your life. There’s a hidden lesson. Sometimes you have to search for it and sometimes you have to repeat the pain to find the hidden gem.
  14. Alcohol doesn’t make things easier. It won’t make your relationship more manageable. It won’t make you more confident. It won’t make you forget the shitty things you do to people. And it definitely won’t make your life better. But it will add to your problems, ruin your health, ruin friendships and relationships with the shitty choices you make while hammered.
  15. Relationship hopping isn’t the answer. Sit with yourself until you know “you.” Getting your identity from someone else will set you up for misery.
  16. And finally, your past is your past. Learn from it and move on. It doesn’t define you Just don’t justify shitty behavior and use your past as an excuse to be a manipulative asshole.

29 Cool Psychological Hacks

  1. People who hide their emotions tend to be the ones who care the most.
  2. People actually look more attractive than they really are when they speak about the things they are passionate about. This is one of the greatest mind hacks in life.
  3. There’re bunch of smart people who never achieve anything because they think too much & don’t act enough.
  4. Women have higher morbidity but lower mortality. For men its the opposite.
  5. The worst feeling in the world is to know you were used and lied to by someone you trusted.
  6. They say that change is as good as rest. Studies show that travel boosts brain health and also decreases a person’s risk of heart attack and depression more than any other known therapy.
  7. When you're interviewing, arrive early and talk to strangers outside for a dozen or twenty minutes, which will make your brain feel familiar with the environment and give you more confidence.
  8. If a person laughs a lot even on stupid things, he is lonely deep inside.
  9. When people say, "you've changed, there's a 95% chance that you just stopped acting the way they wanted you to.
  10. If you announce your goals or tell someone else about them, you are less likely to accomplish them because of the lack of motivation and interest that now result from someone else being aware of your goals. Keep them to yourself!
  11. For a man's mental health a 5 minute conversation with a beautiful girl is more beneficial than a 2 hour yoga.
  12. Music can bend and shape the way you see the world, or life in general.
  13. If someone gives you advice, respond with "you're right". It sounds more diplomatic than "I know."
  14. We care more about the death of one than the death of many. It feels more personal when one human dies, yet when multiple perish, we feel as we don’t know any of them.
  15. If you walk around expecting to be offended, you will be.
  16. Some people just love to see you angry. The solution? Relax the muscles in your face and watch as theirs visibly deflates.
  17. You really die in your dreams whenever you do it indicates that you started something new in your life.
  18. Crying makes you feel better, reduces stress, and may help to keep the body healthy.
  19. We know nothing is permanent. Time kills all and we have limited time, still we will struggle as if we will be permanent. So, time and we, both, are killing each other simultaneously. Amazing!
  20. When you talk, you are repeating what you already know. But if you listen you may learn something new.
  21. When u see a cat, slowly blinks of it.If it blinks back, the cat is content with you.
  22. It’s sometimes possible to “see” objects even when you are blind. People with a certain type of brain damage, “blindsight,” are considered functionally blind. But their unconscious minds can still seeThey can walk through an obstacle course and avoid obstacles without consciously seeing the obstacles. Their “hidden sight” does the work for them.
  23. Almost every negative emotion we feel can be traced back to one emotion, fear.
  24. According to a survey, men can listen to their male friends for ages, but they can only listen to their girlfriend or wife for six minutes.
  25. When listing things to someone they are most likely to remember the first and last items in the list. This can be used when giving someone options and you would rather them choose certain ones without being too obvious if the items on the list aren't particularly out of place.
  26. Humans are never satisfied. Cursed with eternal greed, they always need more and more, stretching the limits of the giver.
  27. Don’t underestimate the seductive power of a decent vocabulary. Saying things without saying them is a whole other level of a turn-on.
  28. Fear is a strange enemy. You can only defeat it when you make it fear you, otherwise you will keep fearing it.
  29. Behavioral psychology really can make you a better person.

14 Tips To Stay Positive During Tough Times

  1. Everything starts with how you feel about yourself. Feel worthy. Feel special. Feel deserving of the best in life. Those who seem to have the best in life are no different than you. And you can also feel different by believing yourself to be deserving of the best.
  2. If your present situation won’t matter in 5 years, don’t spend more than 5 minutes worrying about it. No amount of discouragement can destroy you. Worry about what’s gonna happen in the 5 years that matter.
  3. Positivity can be deliberately triggered by the same chemicals in the brain (neurotransmitters) that trigger happiness and joy—dopamineoxytocinserotonin, and endorphins. The good news is that the brain doesn’t care whether you’re happy or sad. All it responds to is the stimuli to be happy or sad, and it begins to respond immediately by releasing the corresponding chemicals.
  4. 2020 was not the worst year of your life. It was the year when nature re-asserts itself as an authority over humans. In fact, it could be the best year yet, because it awakened humanity to the realities of life and challenged our mental faculties to the effect that nature is still the least understood phenomenon in our universe.
  5. Tough times don’t come to destroy you—they come to bring out the best in you. When tough times come, don’t just concentrate on survival or ways to escape, otherwise you’ll miss the big picture. Open your mind and look for ways to take advantage.
  6. Even when all doors are closed, there’s always an escape plan. Don’t give up. Keep looking. Keep searching. Keep knocking. Someone will come to the scene, who doesn’t like the persistent noise of your knockings.
  7. Tough times don’t last but tough people do. How will know you’re tough unless you’ve been tried and tested through fire? How can diamonds be made unless they’re subjected to pressure and heat?
  8. Maintaining a positive mental attitude can defeat the most cruel of situations. Negativity will definitely break the toughest man or woman. When it comes to mind over matter, mind always wins.
  9. Hope cuts through despair like a candle light shinning through darkness or like laser cutting through metal, or like a hot knife cutting through butter. No amount of darkness, however intense, will ever put out the candle light. History is full of hopeful men and women who overcame great obstacles, and also full of desperate men and women who had no hope.
  10. The purpose to exist is stronger than the toughest time. If you find yourself desperate and on the verge of giving up, the bet way to survive is to find a valid purpose to live. More importantly, find a good purpose to live for others.
  11. The best way to stay positive during tough times is to stay active. Just do something. Be active. Do anything, but don’t be passive. Use your imagination. If you’re in a prison cell, imagine that you’re in a track field and jog around your cell. If you’re in a lockdown, exercise your body. Imagine you’re in a gym. Punch the air. Never allow yourself to be static. Maintain focus. Breathe in and out before and after each session of exercise.
  12. Develop a morning ritual, day ritual and evening ritual. Don’t allow yourself to succumb to situations that make you stagnant. Always make sure you’re growing. Good and bad times are part of life, so never let them retard you.
  13. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill. What you fear will never happen. Most of what you fear is just imagination. What you focus on most, grows bigger in your mind. And what you focus on less, shrinks in size.
  14. Finally, the best way to stay positive during tough times is to stay close to someone who is positive enough and close to you. Two people are better than one. Three are even better. And if you have no one, don’t die yet. Someone who has you in mind has already been sent to you.

26 Living Secrets To Being Confident

  1. Drink a glass of cold water every morning when you wake up. Think of that glass of water as new life just added into your body. The water will create a balance in your body between your brain and the rest of the body.
  2. Breathe in deeply and hold your breath for a few seconds. Then release your breath slowly—not at once, holding it after every few seconds. Repeat three or four times.
  3. Look in the mirror and tell the person you see in the mirror, “You’re beautiful and wonderfully made. You were created to defeat every adversity, whether internal or external, with finality.”
  4. Meditate for about 10 to 20 minutes and flush out every negative thought. Banish every negative thought and determine it should never invade your thoughts again. Replace every negative thought with 5 positive ones and write them down and cram them.
  5. Perform some basic physical exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, squats, jogging, etc. Increase these gradually until your body begins to complain, then move on to the next level. Make it a daily routine.
  6. Studies have shown that people are actually stronger than they think or feel. Look in the mirror once again and make a good laugh, even if there’s nothing funny to laugh about.
  7. Don’t eat your breakfast in a hurry to avoid upsetting the system, but eat a good breakfast rich with energy foods like cereals, eggs, milk and fruits, but don’t fill your stomach.
  8. If you’re walking, walk faster than the average person and don’t stoop when walking or standing. Straighten up and walk upright with a steady gait.
  9. When walking in the street, look at a point slightly above the people walking in the opposite direction. They’ll most likely give way, which will certainly give you more confidence.
  10. If you’re driving, drive carefully, but don’t mind about the other drivers or what they say about you or your car. If they wave at you or smile at you, wave back or smile back, but don’t exaggerate it.
  11. Never mind what other people think bout you, or how you dress, or the color or style of your shoes, but concentrate more about yourself and your own thoughts.
  12. When someone asks you a question, don’t answer immediately. Give yourself time to think about the question before you answer. The brain will gain more confidence to process information before answering questions. Don’t answer questions you’re unsure of.
  13. Look people in the eye for a few seconds but not long enough to embarrass them. Making eye contact is key to self-confidence, but don’t overdo it.
  14. Smile even when other people are serious. And look serious when other people are smiling. They’ll get confused and think you’re different.
  15. When people stare at you, don’t stare back at them directly. Stare at a point slightly above their eyes. Then drop your stare and look at their shoes. They’ll think something is wrong with their shoes.
  16. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Majority of people who don’t ask questions show a lack of confidence and fear.
  17. Don’t be afraid to speak. If you’re an introvert, practice extroversion, until your self-confidence grows.
  18. Stop comparing yourself to others, and remember that being loud may just be a sign of fear or lack of confidence. Detach yourself and stop looking up to others.
  19. Believe in yourself. Think of yourself as unique and different, and that there’s no one exactly like you in the whole world.
  20. Remember, everybody is just like you and as confident as you. The only difference is the courage they have.
  21. Develop the confidence to say “NO”. This is a symbol of inner strength, and remember, making mistakes is not a sign of weakness.
  22. Dress in style, but don’t dress to impress other people—dress in what makes you feel comfortable and happy, and what you enjoy seeing on your body.
  23. Resolve to learn a new thing every day by developing a reading habit.
  24. Resolve to make at least one good friend every year. It is important to develop support around you.
  25. Become the average of 5 good friends or 5 people who are smarter than you.
  26. Lastly but not least, be happy—always. Remember, lack of happiness is the beginning of slow death.

12 Things Smart People Do On A Regular Basis That Sets Them Apart

Smart people aren’t necessarily rich and successful people. They are smart because they think differently, speedily, synthesize facts, curious, risk takers, analyze, perceptive, quick to adapt and adopt, and quick and eager to learn. To be able to learn is their life blood.

  1. They don’t waste time in mindless stuff like passive tv watching, partying, aimless social media interaction etc. It doesn’t mean they don’t do it. They do it in extreme moderation, will hold it to benefit their time and learning and never at the cost of other potential things.
  2. They know their priorities and prioritize everything. This includes their time, leisure, rest, goals, jobs, and friends.
  3. They think about everything and try to figure out the how's and whys even in their day to day life. A cup falling on the floor and still not breaking, a strange pattern on a leaf, a mother trying to burp her baby after feed, a queer text-line in a song on radio, any and all of this can trigger their explorative mind to think for several days. Something that rarely occurs to other normal people. Sometimes they will jump out of their bed in the middle of the night just to quick look a topic/ question in a book or internet.
  4. They make notes of interesting things and love to carry them around or keep it where they can easily access it anytime anywhere. Their note-making strategy is an effective tool in keeping touch with with their ideas and forgetting them once they have been learnt. A normal person even if he has learnt something new, will likely forget it easily and won’t care about it either.
  5. They are extremely curious about everything. They will wonder over words, sounds, meanings, textures, procedures, hidden aspects of things. Living with a smart person mostly means getting to hear incessant questions.
  6. They ask a lot of questions. Some questions may seem outright stupid, irritating and weird, but that’s how their minds function. Their ability to question is by far their biggest strength.
  7. And asking is never enough for them. Far from it. Their questions will keep tormenting them like a hunted animal until they have found their answer. Their tenacity is frightening. They’ll happily lose several night’s sleep thinking about it, tearing down shelf after shelf of books, scouring libraries in town and comb searching internet just for the sake of one bloody answer. It is not uncommon to find over 50 tabs open on their computers at any given time. This is where a normal person is different who doesn’t normally asks, and doesn’t bother much about answers, even when he does.
  8. They read a lot. On a daily basis. And often mind-heavy substantial stuff, not light-hearted- romantic-sweet-nothings. They read not because they want to be smart, but because they can’t keep themselves away from learning or studying about things that is naturally utmost interesting for them. Common people only read for pleasure and fun or to pass their time. They only study to pass their tests and obtain a certificate.
  9. They don’t invest their energies in things they know won’t benefit them, such as sports if they are nerdy, partying if they are studious, watching films they can’t learn anything from…And when they have a mission on hand, for example finishing a book, finding an answer, finishing a project- they will work with single-handed determination and relentless energy sometimes (often) working without eating, drinking or even sleeping; their work and passion supersedes their physical needs. A normal person cannot think of working on these terms.
  10. They engage in debates and discussion in any situation to discover perspectives, explore opinions and argue their points with people. Any chance of a discussion is like dangling a juicy bone in front of a dog. Unlike most people, they don’t feel insulted and aggrieved on losing a debate, nor turn aggressive trying to prove their point. They love ideas and perspectives.
  11. They like being alone with themselves. Being alone for them is like charging their battery when they can think and reflect and work out their ideas or questions. They don’t tolerate crowds and noise so much as their brain needs silence and solitude to be able to work.
  12. They continually improve themselves and continually test themselves. Every failure of theirs becomes a stepping stone for their next step. They view each difficulty as a chance to test themselves.

And this is their daily life! Make no mistake about it…

7 Anti-aging Secret Tips To Know

I would say 7 things:

1. cold showers, it increase the immunity and conserves the skin.

2. wake up early (not too early for being tired the whole day) but early enough to be able to have at least 2 hours for yourself.

3. Eat twice a day, preferably morning and evening, believe me our body doesn't need more, and you won’t feel the need anymore when you practice the habit

4. Eat less sugar and moderate meat as possible, especially less of the red meat. Red meat (such as beef, lamb and pork) can form part of a healthy diet. But eating a lot of red and processed meat probably increases your risk of bowel (colorectal) cancer.

Eating too much red meat could be bad for your health. Sizzling steaks and juicy burgers are staples in many people's diets. But research has shown that regularly eating red meat and processed meat can raise the risk of type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and certain cancers, especially colorectal cancer.

5. Avoid some/many fruit juices and soft drinks at way from it!

6. Drink absinth herb tea (without alcohol only the herb!) infuse 10 grams in 500 ml of water, leave for 12 hours and drink it, 3 times per day. 

Repeat it the same process for 3 days, It's bitter, buy it will literally kill the craving, for sugar and unhealthy sweets. Do it every six months.

5. Do everything with common sense and moderation, like drinking, spending, sex, etc. socially, not smoking but if you do, never cigarettes.

6. Choose an activity that fit in your life style and that you can do daily or very often with pleasure.

7. Learn always new things.

Our body systems work differently, but these information was gotten from a grandmother, who is 97 years old, happy and healthy.

Hope these helps.