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9 Things That Can Help To Become Mentally Strong.


Take a minute to think about what you do when you’re feeling some unsavory emotions. Do you bury yourself in your bed and sleep for hours when you’re sad? Do you binge eat when you’re stressed? Grab a bottle and start drinking when you’re angry?

While we’re all guilty of doing at least one of those things, none of them are really good for actually dealing with our emotions and working through them in a healthy way. That’s why, to be a mentally stronger person, you need to learn better coping skills. Instead of self-medicating or engaging in other self-destructive behaviors, try some of these:

  • Write in a journal. Putting those intense thoughts on paper actually helps you process them.
  • Go for a walk or run. Physical activity (without over-exerting yourself) will help you calm down, and the boost of endorphins will help you feel so much better.
  • Meditate! Empty your mind and push all those bad thoughts aside. You’ll reduce negative emotions, feel more patient, and will be able to cope better.


Many of us tend to try to please and seek the approval of others in the things we do, even if we say we don’t care what others think. This is a natural biological defense mechanism to protect us from the emotional pain of rejection, however, living your life as a people-pleaser won’t make you truly happy since you won’t be living an authentic life the way you want.

Mentally strong individuals have the guts to express how they truly feel and act how they want to, even if it isn’t popular with everyone else. It won’t happen overnight, but try doing and saying things you actually want. If you don’t want to hang out with your friends that night, tell them. If you feel like singing along to “Call Me Maybe” when it comes on at the bar, by all means, sing your heart out. That stuff takes courage, and trust me when I say people will respect your giant balls for actually doing what no one else can do.


Thanks to a little something called the self-fulfilling prophecy, being your own worst critic is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. Those negative thoughts only set you up for failure, so instead of judging and criticizing yourself and expecting the worst outcome of a situation, try to force yourself to believe that you’re going to succeed in anything you do.

However, if those pesky negative thoughts persist, take a minute to really think about them, and odds are you’ll realize that some of them are completely irrational.


In order to be a mentally strong person, you need to ditch your bad habits ASAP, because you can’t move forward with them weighing you down. Some of the absolute worst habits to kick include:

  • Comparing yourself to others
  • Surrounding yourself with negative people or people you don’t like
  • Ruminating on the past
  • Being afraid of change
  • Not learning from your mistakes
  • Worrying about things you can’t control or change

Once you get rid of those toxic habits, your life will get exponentially better. Trust.

5. Take positive action.

The best way to train your brain to think differently is by changing your behavior. Do hard things--and keep doing them even when you think you can't. You'll prove to yourself that you're stronger than you think.

Establish healthy daily habits as well. Practice gratitude, exercise, get plenty of sleep, and eat a healthy diet so your brain and your body can be at their best.

Seek out people who inspire you to be your best. And create an environment that supports your efforts to build a healthy lifestyle.


Mentally strong people don’t have a problem saying no, which keeps them from overcommitting themselves. If you say yes to things you don’t want to do, or every time someone asks you for help or invites you somewhere, you won’t have any time for yourself, nor will you be happy.

Long story short, try to incorporate the word “no” more into your vernacular. Your mind and body will thank you.


If you fuck up or something goes wrong, do you play the blame game? Or do you take responsibility for what happened?

Even though it’s often easiest to throw blame on others, it’s never a good thing. For example, if your girlfriend gets upset with you often about a certain thing you do – for instance, not being thoughtful -- and you find yourself blaming her for starting a fight and making you feel bad, try thinking about it from her perspective. What did or didn't you do that made her upset?

Taking responsibility for your problems is incredibly empowering and so, so important to building mental strength, because only then will you be able to learn from your mistakes and avoid them in the future, solve problems, and be more successful.

8. Identify and replace unhealthy thought patterns.

The way you think affects how you feel and how you behave. Thinking things like, "I can't stand this," or "I'm such an idiot," robs you of mental strength.

Pay attention to your thoughts. You'll likely notice common themes and patterns. Perhaps you talk yourself out of doing things that feel scary. Or maybe you convince yourself that you have no control over your life.

Respond to unproductive and irrational thoughts with something more helpful. So instead of saying, "I'm going to mess this up," remind yourself, "This is my chance to shine and I'm going to do my best." Changing those conversations you have with yourself can be the most instrumental thing you could do to change your life.


As we all know, the things we want in life don’t magically appear in front of us, and sometimes, we need to really work for those things. And I’m talking blood, sweat, and tears

If you have a high IQ, do you have trouble relating to people who are not as smart as you? Yes.

  1. Being smart is like walking behind someone with a walker and you can’t get around them. It drives you crazy. Now imagine this is your brain dealing with most people.
  2. When you ask a political question people think you are stupid for asking the question, because the answer is “obvious.” Ironically, they are the ones who don’t understand the complexity and nuance of the question. Expect to face this quite a bit.
  3. You make arguments on politics, religion, etc. and you are called “crazy,” “unhinged,” or “weird.” This is because you are thinking several steps ahead of other people. You see results far beyond what they are seeing. They don’t see it. Or they are very conventional thinkers. They accept groupthink. If you speak outside of this people think you are insane. Ironically, you are the only one that is right.
  4. The dumber someone happens to be, the smarter they think they are. This is the Dunning Krueger Effect.
  5. You don’t live your life according to conformist societal conventions. For example, you don’t care about mowing your lawn on a regular basis because you don’t care. Or you may have unconventional political opinions.
  6. Finding a mate is not easy. People with high IQ’s are rare. It is hard to be in sync with someone who is 40 IQ points away from you. You just speak in another language from each other.
  7. Normal IQ individuals tend care about things you do not. For example, my friends on Facebook become obsessed with football. They get very emotional about it. And they get together and drink beer and watch football. I understand the rules of the game, but to me it is terribly tedious. I have no interest in tribal games. It makes you feel so different than others. And when they try to chat with you and you cannot discuss sports, you feel alone.
  8. You may find yourself ostracized by your co-workers or your family. Some families are authoritarian. They are not tolerant of non-conforming opinions. You may find yourself singled out, despite your attempts to be with them. Despite your best efforts, you may find yourself cast out. Don’t feel bad. It is not your fault. You can try airing your feelings and opening up. But I promise you, if you are scapegoated, it simply won’t work. I tried this. They just used my openness against me. You must get away from these people. That is the only way you can survive. Get away. It doesn’t matter if it is your brothers and sisters, whoever. More people are in therapy because of scapegoating than you might imagine.
  9. Most workplaces are designed for the IQ level of those who work there. A professional workplace is going to be suited to someone with a 115 IQ. But if you are 130+, you will find few workplaces designed for you.
  10. Studies have shown that having lots of friends is positive for normal IQ people. It helps them. But for high IQ people, lots of friends actually causes depression.

Why Do Some Intelligent People Fail To Achieve Their Potential?

The problem is not with them. The real problem is that success means different things to different levels of intelligence.

  1. For a person of average intelligence, graduating from college, having a home, your own lawn, a job, a spouse and children is considered successful. And it is. But somehow, when someone with a high IQ only does these things, somehow this is considered “not successful.” But why should the two be different? People with high intelligence are not a different species. They still have emotions and physical needs. They still go to the bathroom as anyone else.
  2. Normal people consider “success” to mean being rich. If someone has a high IQ, then they should be rich, right? Actually it is the opposite. To make a lot of money you have to produce a product or service that pleases the majority of people. But being smart would actually make this harder for very intelligent people, because they are so different. In fact, the richest people tend to be average or only slightly above average intelligence. Someone like Chris Langan with an IQ of above 200 isn’t going to be interested in making sales quotas or climbing the corporate ladder. He is interested in developing his theories of metacognition, which requires being alone and undisturbed.
  3. Social status is also considered “success” by average people. But again, this would involve joining the rat race, which highly intelligent people see as being shallow and mind numbingly boring. These people also have difficulty being happy around people who are more than 30 IQ points below them. It is tiring to dumb yourself down so others can understand you. It is draining.
  4. School is designed around your average IQ student. So for very smart people it is boring. Plus school requires conformity, which smart people don’t like, because this is designed around the mediocre expectations of the average minded masses.
  5. Smart people are happy being left alone. They like to read, write, think, and not be bothered. But to your average minded person, this is boring.