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If you have a high IQ, do you have trouble relating to people who are not as smart as you? Yes.

  1. Being smart is like walking behind someone with a walker and you can’t get around them. It drives you crazy. Now imagine this is your brain dealing with most people.
  2. When you ask a political question people think you are stupid for asking the question, because the answer is “obvious.” Ironically, they are the ones who don’t understand the complexity and nuance of the question. Expect to face this quite a bit.
  3. You make arguments on politics, religion, etc. and you are called “crazy,” “unhinged,” or “weird.” This is because you are thinking several steps ahead of other people. You see results far beyond what they are seeing. They don’t see it. Or they are very conventional thinkers. They accept groupthink. If you speak outside of this people think you are insane. Ironically, you are the only one that is right.
  4. The dumber someone happens to be, the smarter they think they are. This is the Dunning Krueger Effect.
  5. You don’t live your life according to conformist societal conventions. For example, you don’t care about mowing your lawn on a regular basis because you don’t care. Or you may have unconventional political opinions.
  6. Finding a mate is not easy. People with high IQ’s are rare. It is hard to be in sync with someone who is 40 IQ points away from you. You just speak in another language from each other.
  7. Normal IQ individuals tend care about things you do not. For example, my friends on Facebook become obsessed with football. They get very emotional about it. And they get together and drink beer and watch football. I understand the rules of the game, but to me it is terribly tedious. I have no interest in tribal games. It makes you feel so different than others. And when they try to chat with you and you cannot discuss sports, you feel alone.
  8. You may find yourself ostracized by your co-workers or your family. Some families are authoritarian. They are not tolerant of non-conforming opinions. You may find yourself singled out, despite your attempts to be with them. Despite your best efforts, you may find yourself cast out. Don’t feel bad. It is not your fault. You can try airing your feelings and opening up. But I promise you, if you are scapegoated, it simply won’t work. I tried this. They just used my openness against me. You must get away from these people. That is the only way you can survive. Get away. It doesn’t matter if it is your brothers and sisters, whoever. More people are in therapy because of scapegoating than you might imagine.
  9. Most workplaces are designed for the IQ level of those who work there. A professional workplace is going to be suited to someone with a 115 IQ. But if you are 130+, you will find few workplaces designed for you.
  10. Studies have shown that having lots of friends is positive for normal IQ people. It helps them. But for high IQ people, lots of friends actually causes depression.

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