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11 Low-Key Signs Of Highly Intelligent People

1. Most of them have the habit of staying up late into the night.

2. They may have bad handwriting because of the trouble with their mouth and hand keeping up.

3. They have unusual, out of the box, apparently ‘crazy’ ideas.

4. They’re prefer to be with their own company.

5. They’re brutally honest with what they don’t know.

6. They can talk to people they don’t like and hear ideas they don’t agree with and not get emotional.

7. They have a twisted sense of humor. They are most likely to enjoy and understand dark humor.

8. They have good body memory. Their bodies can pick up routines faster than others.

9. They use the Keanu behavior to boost intelligence.

Keanu Reeves says highly intelligent people play a game. They try to be wrong once in a while. They practice being wrong more often to reset their egos.

10. They can explain difficult matter in an easy way.

11. They can make connections between seemingly unrelated subjects.

8 Hard Truths To Admit But Makes You Stronger


  1. Normalize saying “No” without needing to over-explain yourself. If someone is offended by your boundaries, that's their problem.
  2. Prioritize your peace. Practice being calm when you feel like you're being challenged or tested. Over-reacting only creates regret.
  3. Make a habit of not holding someone's past against them. When someone works hard to grow & change into a better person, allow them to show up as that person.
  4. Mature enough to wish the best for people you know longer talk with, and real enough to mean it.
  5. It's okay to take a joke. But it's not okay to fake disrespect disguised as a joke. There's a difference.
  6. Sometimes our biggest disappointments lead us to our biggest blessings.
  7. Learn your place in people's life, so you don't overplay your part.
  8. To avoid disappointment, take people for what they are and not what they could be.

10 Big Life Advices To Everyone

  1. So much of our happiness depends on how we choose to look at the world.
  2. Your mind is a MAGNET. If you think of blessings, you attract BLESSINGS. If you think of problems, you attract PROBLEMS
  3. It takes half of your life to discover that life is a do-it-yourself project.
  4. No matter how great you think you are, you're not too great to look down on anyone.
  5. Don't study because you have to. Study because knowledge is POWER.
  6. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.
  7. When you start loving yourself, you start appreciating God's goodness.
  8. When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.
  9. Don't ever attach yourself to a person, a place, a company, an organization, or a project. Attach yourself to a mission, a calling, a purpose ONLY.
  10. Somebody is lying in a hospital bed right now begging GOD for the opportunity of the life you have now. Appreciate and use it prudently.
Have a wonderful day.