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45 Of The Most Awesome Psychological Facts

  1. When you give someone a pen, the first thing 97% of people do is write their name.
  2. If someone is laughing at an absolutely no funny joke, it's because they're deeply alone inside.
  3. Hiding your thumb behind your other fingers is a sign of nervousness. This indicates that the person wants to appear hidden in the group
  4. Psychology tells us that the first impression is made in the first 7 seconds.
  5. Our reaction to a situation has been proven to have the power to change the situation itself.
  6. Pretending not to give a fuck is a habit of people who precisely do not give a fuck at all.
  7. Writing down negative thoughts, rolling them into a ball, and throwing them in the trash can dramatically improve your mood.
  8. 90% of the time people with messy handwriting are more creative than average
  9. Eating an orange reduces stress. That's why doctors recommend eating an orange before going to work
  10. Never tell anyone your goals. Because chemically it satisfies the brain and it's similar to having achieved it.
  11. Your brain secretes chemicals when you have a tree or plant around you, which boosts the brain. However, no medical treatment recommends walking in a garden.
  12. The way parents talk to their children becomes the little voice in their brains as they grow up.
  13. It takes 7 positive comments to neutralize the effect of 1 negative comment.
  14. While chatting in a group, if someone has their legs turned in your direction, it means they are interested in you.
  15. If a girl likes you, then she might play with her hair if you talk to each other.
  16. You never die in your dreams, but if one day you die in a dream, it means you are starting a new life.
  17. Dreams are discussions between you and your sub-conscious

The answers below are provided by Bilal A. Sultan, from the English Quora:

  1. The people who give the best dating advice are usually people who are alone.
  2. If you ask someone a question and they only partially answer you, stay silent, the person will continue talking.
  3. If someone does you a favor, they tend to like you more
  4. The secret to a good night's sleep is to convince your brain that you slept well (all you have to do is figure out how to convince your brain: p)
  5. If you don't move for 15 minutes, you won't end up falling asleep
  6. To fall asleep, quickly blink your eyes and leave them open in the dark, you will eventually fall asleep
  7. People who prefer window seats in public transport tend to like being alone when traveling
  8. Marrying your best friend eliminates the risk of divorce by 95%. This marriage will tend to last a lifetime.
  9. The brain associates smiling with happiness. If we force ourselves to smile, the brain will consider that we are happy (and secrete dopamine and serotonin).
  10. You can see a smile at a distance of 90 meters
  11. People are more likely to return a wallet if there is a photo of a baby or a child in it.
  12. Your mind can sense if someone is watching you, even if you are sleeping!
  13. Your memory works best between 8 a.m. and midnight, however, after the evening meal is the worst time.
  14. Smart people avoid conflict, which is why some people notice everything but say nothing
  15. The best way to appreciate someone is to imagine your life without them
  16. If a person sleeps a lot, then that person is sad (or very tired, but it never lasts too long)
  17. Having a conversation with a woman increases a man's physical strength
  18. People who tend to be more easily distracted are more creative and have higher IQs
  19. The bigger your signature, the greater your self-esteem
  20. If you have had a crush for more than 4 months, it can be considered love.
  21. Wearing red makes you attractive to the opposite sex
  22. People with low self-esteem are more likely to humiliate others.
  23. Subjects who were told they had low IQs were made to be more nationalistic, more religious than those who had higher IQ points.
  24. We are happier when we are busy doing something
  25. Lying takes a lot of mental effort. A person who is lying must both remember the lie, the truth, and why he lied.
  26. Our brains are as active at night as when we sleep
  27. Behavior affects mentality. People who have lied, betrayed or committed an immoral act begin to see right and wrong in a different way
  28. Attractive appearances can sometimes be misleading. However, people prefer to trust appearance rather than sincerity.
  29. Usually a habit is formed in 66 days and not 21
  30. Appearance plays an important role even during election periods. The maturity and physical attractiveness of politicians were considered most important by voters. (unconsciously though)
  31. You can only focus on something thoroughly for 10 minutes
  32. You can't avoid food, sex and danger (it's instinctive)
  33. Humans are irrational by default
  34. Boredom has a silver lining. People who are bored are more often able to do good things.
  35. Studies have shown that good relationships are more important for lifespan than physical exercise
  36. Eating little can make you longevity (watch the Japanese centenarians who do not eat to excess and satiety)
  37. The brain is more creative when you are tired
  38. Falling in love has similar effects as being under the influence of cocaine
  39. Holding the hand of someone you love can help reduce physical pain, reduce stress or fear.
  40. Volunteers are significantly more satisfied with their life than non-volunteers
  41. Opposites do not attract. You are more attracted to someone who looks like you or thinks like you.
  42. About 80% of humans who talk in groups complain
  43. We tend to ignore those who adore us and consider those who ignore us more.
  44. Depression is often linked to overthinking. The mind will create problems that don't even exist.
  45. We tend to fall in love with people who look like our parents. Have a nice day.

10 Possible Signs Of Intelligence


  1. They stare at the wall more than anyone else.
  2. Delusion never leaves them. Without imagination, they are nothing.
  3. Leave the group when they find the people in it are not a match for them.
  4. Generally polite, mature, have a good knowledge of the philosophy of life.
  5. Feel uncomfortable following the rules.
  6. Fighting desperately in their work. That's what gives them happiness.
  7. Have a high sense of self-worth for yourself.
  8. In silence, they always feel happy and at peace.
  9. All they need is love. Which can attract them strongly.
  10. They like the company of people who have a high curiosity.

23 Suggested Best Ways To Choose A Life Partner

  1. Find someone who can laugh at your silly jokes.
  2. Find someone who can bear your pain.
  3. Find someone who feels the same way as you do.
  4. Find someone who has a few basics in common, loves you back, differs with you some, waits on you when you’re low and truly loves and feels for you.
  5. Find someone who is compatible with you and who shares common interests and views about sex.
  6. Find someone who wants to be with you for the rest of your life; choose someone who chooses you.
  7. Find someone who will still love you when you’re broke.
  8. Find someone who knows at least how to take care of money. You can tell by how much she/he spends during the few times you’re together dating.
  9. Find someone who will remain faithful to you when you’re away.
  10. Find someone who disagrees with you sometimes, but cares about you all the time.
  11. Find someone who doesn't smoke, is not an alcoholic and is not on drugs.
  12. Find someone you can talk to and become real friends with.
  13. Find someone who can give you a shoulder to lean on; someone who can support you financially and emotionally.
  14. Find someone you can enjoy to love; someone loveable and someone who can appreciate love.
  15. Find someone who is already happy; not someone you have to work overtime to make happy.
  16. Choose the person who makes you better.
  17. Find someone who can support your vision.
  18. Find someone who is pulling in your direction.
  19. Find someone who loves family and loves kids.
  20. Find someone who is stable financially and emotionally.
  21. Find someone who does not complain.
  22. Find someone who appreciates and respects you for who you are; not for what other people think or say about you.
  23. Find someone who can be an iceberg; dive low with you and come to the surface with you.