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9 Things People Learn Too Late In Life


  1. That body language speaks a lot more than actual words. It matters. A lot.
  2. You can always earn money. It's not a big deal. Your world is not going to end because you don't have a fixed income. Something else will work out.
  3. Saying No is important. People don't get offended as much as you think.
  4. You use only less than 10% of stuff you possess. Get rid of that stuff that you hardly ever use, you will have that many less things to worry about.
  5. What people say when they are angry, aren’t things they mean. They regret it often. Forgive angry people. It’s okay, they are only human.
  6. There are no winners in an argument. Only losers. Don’t ruin your relationships arguing about things that don’t really matter.
  7. Nothing is complicated. Not as much as you assume. It's just your mind playing tricks with you. If you get down to it, it’s all really simple and clear.
  8. Loving your partner is a choice, not a feeling. And your character is the choices you make.
  9. No one in this world will stand up for you like the way your parents do. Always be there for them.

26 Hardest Truths You Have To Accept That Can Make You Stronger

  1. People don’t actually care about you. They care about the thing they can get from you.
  2. Nobody really knows you. You must find a forum that will allow you to shout yourself out using brute force.
  3. Poverty is simply the inability to legally and ethically steal money from another person.
  4. If many people are flocking around you, you are either predator or prey.
  5. It is actually easier to attract more people quicker than you think. Just become a clown.
  6. Don’t show sympathy to people when you bill them for consuming your services because they’ll never be sympathetic to you when consuming your effort.
  7. Actually, there’s no such thing as the best thing. You’re just afraid of taking risks.
  8. Marriage is a legal contract to share your intimacy with a total stranger.
  9. Your mother is the only person who really knows you more than you think you know yourself. You made her mad many times when you were dancing in her womb.
  10. Life misleads you into thinking you’re someone that you’re not, while all along it is pushing you into manifesting your true self.
  11. Everything must die one day, to give way for a new thing. We all follow this pattern of life.
  12. Love is not only an emotion. It is a universal religion that catches you unaware.
  13. You can easily identify a person who has money. Just identify what else they don’t have.
  14. Never, ever, waste your time on someone who has nothing to offer.
  15. Never waste more than 5 minutes on something that will not worry you in the next 5 years.
  16. If you want to grow, spend more time with people who leave you mentally challenged, emotionally overwhelmed, and physically energetic.
  17. Those who spend exceedingly more time thinking without moving will never move.
  18. Most people can’t think. They just want to listen to you so that they can waste their time copying you and bringing you down with them.
  19. Nobody knows they’re making a mistake until they get a bill they can’t afford.
  20. Having sex more often while expecting to become healthier, physically and mentally, is the greatest fraud of the century.
  21. Asking quality questions is more important than giving miserable answers.
  22. There’s no such thing as ‘genius’. It is just a culmination of hard work, ruthless practice and, almost maniacal devotion.
  23. You don’t have to fight over that which is too big for you to handle. We all cannot become elephants.
  24. Great things don’t just happen without a fight, and some great force and pressure being exerted.
  25. The person who gives you food is twice more important than the person who loves you.
  26. Definitely, pain is the greatest source of strength, but who will go looking for it?

7 Harsh Realities Of Life

  1. Looks matter. A lot. Being a handsome man, is one of the most “unfair advantage” you could ever have. Better pay. More options in terms of relationships. Easier to make friends. More sex. I could go on and on…Luckily, unhandsome men can become handsome in a matter of 2–3 months. Get leaner, dress better (fitting clothes, wear black), start lifting weights and train in the fighting arts.
  2. Money matters. A lot. Yes, all by itself money won’t make you happy. But you’d be a fool to say that having lots of money WON’T measurably increase your quality of life. You could get out of a dead-end job. You could be the master of your own time. You could retire your mom.
  3. Working hard and “hustling 24/7” is CRIMINALLY overrated and toxic. 20% of your efforts contribute to 80% of your success in any given field. Be it business, good grades in school/college, building muscle and losing fat, dating, relationships…Everywhere. Which means, that there is just a handful of behaviours/actions/customers/partners (20%) that disproportionally contribute to your success and happiness. Hard work, and especially “hustling” is greatly overrated. You need to work hard at the right stuff, the 20% of factors that contribute to 80% of your success. That’s how you get real world success.
  4. At our core….We’re all like crack addicts - Our brain is wired in a way, that we’re NEVER, ever satisfied. No matter what domain of life, we always want more and more.More money. More experiences. More friends. Problem is: There’s a point of diminishing returns, where more X doesn’t lead to more happiness.
  5. We’re all deluding ourselves about who’s in the driver’s seat of our behaviour - Do you want to know how to spot a dumb person almost 100% of the time? They say: “I’m super rational.” Haha. Sure. No, you’re not. We’re all very irrational and almost always decide with our emotions first and then use our rationality to justify our choices.
  6. People lie all the time - But their behaviour can’t. Everybody says: “This year I’m going to get into shape.” But then they get drunk and high on the weekend and scarf down 3 burritos and skip the gym because “hangover”. Never take people for their word - Always look at their actions. People’s behaviour tell the real story, while they tell the story that sounds good to others.
  7. 90% of self-help, fitness and business advice is complete and utter bullshit that doesn’t work in the “Real World”. Most advice in books, articles, YT vids and even paid courses and seminars, sounds really good and helpful in theory, but always fails to deliver in the real world. But it get’s worse…Some of the advice is even dangerous. Most popular diets, for example, will make you gain fat back! Most self-help advice will only make you feel good for a couple of weeks, instead of teaching you how to change your habits. An then you’re back to square one, feeling even worse about yourself for “failing”.