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Easy Ways And Ideas To Cure Tooth Aches

Toothaches may be small insize — but they can cause a colossal amount of pain.

“Pain is your body’s way of telling you to go to a doctor,” says John Dodes, DDS, a dentist in Forest Hills, N.Y., and author of Healthy Teeth.

If you have a severe or persistent toothache or other mouth malady, you should visit your dentist in case it’s a serious dental health issue that needs treatment.

However, some minor toothaches and pains can be treated right at home (or at least mitigated while you wait to see your dentist). Next time your mouth is troubling you, give these home remedies a shot.

Grab some clove oil. Oil of clove is an age-old home remedy. It works thanks to the chemical eugenol contained in the oil, which has anesthetic and antibacterial properties.

 To use it for tooth pain, soak a cotton ball with a mixture made of two to three drops of clove oil and ¼ teaspoon of olive oil.

Put the cotton ball in your mouth near the tooth that hurts and bite down to keep it in place. One caution: Don’t go to sleep with the cotton ball still in your mouth.

The FDA no longer considers this treatment effective enough to recommend it, although some dentists still believe it has benefits.Clove oil is available at pharmacies and health food stores.

Pop in a cough drop. Cough drops or lozenges usually contain a small amount of anesthetic (menthol and sometimes benzocaine) — which means they may relieve minor tooth pain, too. Pop one or two in your mouth and suck on them (don’t chew!).

Another solution? Apply a dab of Vick’s VapoRub on the outside of your cheek where your tooth hurts, then place a paper towel on your pillow and lie down on that side.

Flush it out. Sometimes, the root of your toothache is food that’s trapped between your teeth. In this case, try flossing, rinsing with mouthwash, or using interdental brushes (small brushes shaped like Christmas trees that work between the teeth).

 In fact, this home remedy can save you a trip to the dentist’s office — but if food is constantly getting stuck in your teeth, talk to your dentist, because there could be an issue with your gums that needs medical attention.

Try these other kitchen staples. Some other home remedies that have proven to help toothaches include applying a hot tea bag directly to the tooth. Tea contains tannic acid, which reduces swelling.

 Other solutions: A cucumber slice placed on the tooth or a cotton ball soaked in brandy - alcohol has numbing properties, too.

Some people also report that garlic, onions, spinach, wheat grass, or a simple salt water rinse relieves tooth pain.

Home Remedies for Your Other Mouth Maladies

Canker sore? Use these OTC concoctions. Canker sores usually go away on their own — but the pain can be excruciating in the meantime.

While you’re waiting for one to heal, you may find relief by applying a mixture of half hydrogen peroxide and half water to the sore with a cotton swab, then follow with a dot of Milk of Magnesia; you can repeat this up to four times a day.

Another home remedy to try is a mixture of equal parts Milk of Magnesia and liquid Benadryl; gently swish the mixture around your mouth for 60 seconds and then spit it out.

Sensitive teeth? Try this toothpaste. If your tooth feels sensitive to pressure, or when it’s exposed to hot or cold temperatures, whitening toothpaste is a no-no (it can just make your teeth more sensitive).

Instead, try this simple solution: Switch to a no-frills toothpaste or consider buying toothpaste made especially for sensitive teeth, Dr. Dodes says. “They have chemicals in them that desensitize the tooth,” he explains. If sensitivity persists, talk to your dentist, who can investigate the cause.

Got jaw pain? Eat this. Until you can get an appointment with your dentist to check out your jaw pain — or while you wait to see if the pain resolves on its own — switch to a diet of softer foods.

“Don’t eat big, overstuffed sandwiches or hard bagels,” Dodes says. “Give yourself five or six days of eating a soft-food diet and see if it gets better. If you twisted your ankle, you wouldn’t run hurdles, would you?

 If it hurts, give it a break.” Just be sure to call your dentist if the jaw or tooth pain doesn’t go away.

Got swelling? Take these steps. Mouth pain is sometimes caused by swelling of soft tissues in the mouth. Swelling should be checked by a dentist because it could be a serious dental health issue, Dodes says.

 In the meantime, try taking an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin).

 “Still, if you’re in enough pain that you need a pill,” Dodes says, “you better get to a doctor because dental pain tends to get worse and worse.”

Broken tooth? Do this ASAP. If you break a tooth, get to your dentist as soon as possible — this pearly-white problem needs immediate assistance.

 If you find the piece of tooth that broke off, you can preserve it at home by putting it in water or milk — don’t leave it on a counter, for instance, and never scrub it with cleanser, Dodes says. Sometimes dentists can bond the tooth back on.

“By putting it in milk, you’re helping to keep the cells alive so that they will re-grow when it’s reattached.”

Inexpensive Ideas For Fun Family Outings

The time we spend with our families is priceless. But most popular family activities can quite expensive.

 Even a simple night at the movies can put a serious dent in the budget by the time you buy tickets, popcorn and drinks for everyone.

Fortunately, there are cheaper alternatives to expensive family outings.

They provide the opportunity to have just as much fun at a fraction of the cost. Some are even free.

Movies and Music

Kids are often itching to see the newest releases at the movie theater.

Doing so even once a month, however, can get pricey. One alternative in some areas is the drive-in.

Admission is usually much cheaper than it is at a regular theater, and some let you bring your own drinks and snacks.

Drive-ins usually show fairly new releases, so the kids can say they saw something that's not out on video yet.

Some theaters offer reduced-price matinees during the day.

Some even have free kid-oriented movies on weekend days. These options offer the theater experience without the outrageous cost.

Kids often want to go to concerts, but tickets to see the most famous bands are far from cheap.

Check your local paper for free concerts in the park.

 Many areas have them during the warm months.

Young children can enjoy the music without the huge crowds and deafening sound systems and older children might gain an appreciation for less well-known bands.

The Great Outdoors

Nature offers a wealth of possibilities for family outings. Camping is a wonderful activity for families, and it doesn't have to be expensive.

 It can be as simple as pitching a tent in the back yard or you can spring for a camper and rent space at a campground.

 Bring the grill and some hamburgers or hot dogs, or catch some fish to fry.

Parks are great for day trips. Those with playground equipment can keep youngsters entertained for hours on end.

Hiking trails offer opportunities for exercise and exploration.

Most parks have picnic facilities, so you can pack a lunch instead of eating out.

Other Ideas

Here are some more inexpensive family activities to consider:

* Play miniature golf. Admission is usually quite reasonable, and it provides the opportunity for relaxed yet engaging family competition.

* Visit a petting zoo. These small zoos do not have the exotic animals you see at larger ones, but kids can feed and pet the animals.

* Go to a museum. Some offer cheap or free admission, while others cost more.

But the larger and more expensive ones often sell season passes, so if you live close by, you can visit numerous times for one low price.

* Go boating. If you're fortunate enough to live near a body of water, boating is fun and relaxing.

Canoe and paddle boat rentals are inexpensive, and when you're done boating there are usually other cheap or free activities in the area.

* Attend events at a nearby college. These may include plays, concerts, dance recitals and movie showings. Prices are low, and student discounts usually apply to kids, too.

Having fun as a family doesn't require a six-figure income.

If you look hard enough, you can find lots of free or cheap activities that parents and kids can enjoy just about anywhere.

Eat Organic Foods To Avoid Toxins

Food that is grown or raised without chemical pesticides or chemical fertilizers is called “organic.”

We’ve become so accustomed to getting by with foods that have been grown with fertilizers and that contain harmful toxins, that we’ve forgotten what it’s like to feel truly “well.”

 We don’t know how good we can really feel.

Why else would you choose to eat organic food? We pay a lot in terms of flavor and nutrition to eat perfect-looking food.

 Yes, organic food might have an occasional bruise on its flesh – but so does food that’s been sprayed with harmful chemicals.

 Organic food, though, are generally fresher and more flavorful. Many times, they’re grown locally, so they haven’t been stored or refrigerated.

 Consider the difference in flavor between a vine-ripened tomato and a regular tomato. There’s just no comparison.

The body has to process everything you put into it and eliminate what it cannot digest.

 If your food contains toxins in the form of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, your body has to figure out a way to get rid of the toxins. 

When the body cannot get rid of toxins fast enough, it stores them until it has time to eliminate them. This can lead to many health problems.

 Many of the pesticides used in farming have been found to be carcinogenic. 

Reducing your exposure to these toxins can improve your health. True, some people eliminate toxins well. 

Still, the body needs to expend energy to eliminate toxins when it could be doing other things such as healing damaged cells, fighting off viruses and bacteria, or patrolling the body for cancer cells. 

Even people who can tolerate or eliminate toxins could feel substantially better without putting these poisons into their bodies.

 And if your system is sensitive to toxins, you’ll be much better off eliminating them from your diet as much as possible. 

Fortunately, it’s easier to do this because there’s a greater selection and variety of organic produce in our grocery stores.