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30 Tips To Reduce Tension And Stress

1. Identify the real cause of stress.

2. Events causing stress should be noted down and analyze it once in a month.

3. Your reactions to each stressful events should be recollected and compared with one another.

4. Should not give immediate response to stressful event ,always take little time to think.

5. If any tension comes ask your inner man(Mind)for a solution,he is more intelligent than you.

6. Past is past always concentrate on future events and gather courage and willpower.

7. Need not bother about your loss,but find out the reason for it and try to solve it.

8. Face all situations with confidence.

9. Keep faith in god and worship him.

10. Always hope for the best.

11. Always keep a positive approach.

12. Before doing any thing plan a solution to face a negative situation.

13. Should not live only for money.

14. Help the poor people .

15. Visit the sick people and give them moral support.

16. Whenever you are tensed take a deep breath and relax.

17. If you are tensed countdown from 100 to 1.

18. If any stress comes look at the beautiful picture kept on the wall.

19. Keep some flowers in the room and have a look.

20. Practice breathing exercises regularly.

21. Keep little time for yoga and meditation.

22. Aromatherapy is good to relax the mind.

23. If you are tensed make a surprise call to your old friend.

24. When you are tensed think about others who suffer from more serious problems.

25. Keep close contact with your family and share the problems with them.

26. Go for pleasure trips with the family members.

27. Avoid sedentary life,always mingle with others.

28. Always approach others with a smile.

29. Laughing and sharing jokes with others will make you relaxed.

30. When you are tensed visit your close friend or relative.

Importance Of Fitness Training

People all over the world are becoming more and more health conscious, the priority has been shifting from everything else to the fact that the most important thing in life, is to keep oneself in shape and fit, to enjoy things in life. Keeping fit, means capturing the days of youth and all the fun of those days alive. 

Man can give up everything for the sake of keeping himself young. In spite of all the kinds of treatments that have been flourishing the market, the people have not been driven crazy, they still trust the basic natural way of keeping in shape, i.e., by exercising regularly and maintaining a working routine. 

It is very necessary to go for a complete fitness training, which takes care of all the aspects of making a fit body, beginning from making note about the right kind of diet and right kind of exercises which suits the physical conditions of the body.
    The several benefits that are derived from the regular physical fitness workouts. Workout chalked out in correspondence to the physical needs of the body, if observed regularly, may help the body get into the desired shape and develop resistance power in the body.

 The major benefits derived from fitness training programs are bringing down the weight of the bulky body to right proportion, increases the resistance power in the body which results in decreasing the risks of getting attacked by diseases, helps in cutting down the fat from the body and finally gives the body a toned shape.

 Not only these, but also helps in frequently getting caught in depressions, cures insomnia by helping enhance the sleeping routine, releases positive vibes in the body and thus increases self-esteem and apart from these also gives more energy and stamina to the body.

   Fitness training also helps in increasing the metabolism of the body, which means more muscles using more calories in body. The training helps increase fit muscles in body, by burning the calories. 

After the body grows senile, the body loses its muscles and the metabolism of the body slows down gradually, which means the calories of the body is not burnt and get concentrated which results in increasing the weight of the body. 
So to keep the metabolism from slowing down and not letting the fat concentrate in the body one can opt for some fitness training and take some aerobic activities. Taking exercises not only helps one maintain a strong and toned look from outside but also helps in keeping the mental peace and content.

 It also helps in reducing symptoms of menopause, cardiac diseases and keeps the level of cholesterol in control. And in all it gives the body a much toned shape, which not only looks strong but is stronger than what it looks like.

Patience Is Learnt Over Time

Being a parent is most definitely one of the most important patience tests. They say patience is a virtue, it is true – but this comment makes you think patience is a quality that only a few chosen ones have. 

In fact, patience is learnt over time even if some parents don’t do well on this chapter at first. But, with a little effort, any parent can learn to be patient and to amuse himself over some situations that not so long ago annoyed him.

Firstly, you have to learn to have patience with yourself. Do not blame yourself for everything and show tolerance – without falling into the trap of self-content.

 Happily for children, adults are mature persons and know, most of the times, to keep their nerves under control. Don’t raise your voice and impose your wills with a calm but firm tone, no matter the problem.

Generally, try not to think about tomorrow and don’t let yourself become overwhelmed with perspective problems. Focus only on immediate problems, because if you do otherwise you will only worry a lot more and you will get upset easier.

A lower stress level will definitely inflict more patience on your side. Also, try to explain the child, calmly, what is it you are expecting of him and the ways he can rise up to your expectations. 

Restrain from blaming him. And if we already are on the subject of expectations, it is essential not to ask of him more than he can give you, based on his age.

Children sometimes seem to try on purpose to test the limits of their parents’ patience. If you fell this is what your little one does, ask yourself what might push him to this.

 Maybe he is trying to cover some frustration, maybe he wants revenge for a moment when you were unfair or maybe he feels neglected and he’s only trying to get your attention.

Maybe it would be best if you look at the problem from his point of view for a change: if he won’t learn to be himself a patient person, then he probably won’t try to help you anyhow on this.

To make your child become a patient person you can:

-       Play with him interactive games – this will teach him to wait until his turn comes.

-       Read to him thick books and long stories, leaving to follow-up for the next evening. Do not give in to his pleads to find out the ending in the same evening.

-       Teach him to plant a tree or to take care of a flower – then he will learn to be patient until he sees the results of his work.

-       If he wants a bike, give money, a little a time, and tell him to save them for that bike. Of course you will be the one that will give him the present, but your child will learn to have patience and, at the same time, the value of money.