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7 Simple Ways To Lose Weight Safely

People, who want to lose weight commonly, and first of all, think about reducing the amount of food they eat.

This may be quite a solution but not exactly the best there is. In fact, depending on the amount you reduce in your food intake,
it may even be dangerous to one's health. So how does one lose weight effectively and safely?

Here are some points one should consider when trying to lose weight:

1. Beware of the Crash Diets

Most people think that trimming down the calories can alone shed off their unwanted excess. Probably this is because of the fad there is in advertising about low-calorie food products and beverages.

What people don't know is that this could be dangerous because when they decrease their calorie intake way to below the required levels, the body begins to digest the fats.

 Sounds good but it doesn't actually. Burning fat requires a lot of energy. Since there is not much energy in the body to facilitate metabolism of fat, it will run at a very slow pace resulting to fatigue, illness and weak immune system.

2. Low-calorie diet is also compensated for by the body by burning muscle.

People on this type of diet who revert back to their old eating habits end up gaining back some;
 if not all the weight they have shed off.

 This would consist mainly of fats. And since fats have more volume per mass than muscle, they end up having the same weight as before but more bulky. In losing weight, one should keep in mind that they should lose excess body fats only.

However, one can try out eating small meals at more frequent intervals. This way the body will not think that it is being starved and will not store food as fat.

3. Eat Properly

One may have considered junking the crash diet option but he should also not forget to watch what he is eating.

Variety must always be considered so that one may be able to get the necessary nutrients from his diet. It is also healthier to eat food which is roasted, steamed or broiled rather than fried.

It is also important to include a lot of fibre in the diet. Frequent rehydration is also necessary.

4. Pump Up lean Muscle Mass

Muscles burn calories when they work; they even do so at rest. Unlike fats which just lie around, bulge around the pants and dangle beneath the sleeves, muscles burn calories all-day round.

With this fact, one can start weight loss by increasing muscle mass. The more muscles, the less fat will be left. This is attainable starting with working out with resistance exercises.

5. Engaging in Aerobics

Aerobics are not only good for the heart by increasing cardio-vascular endurance.

 Aerobics also helps in increasing lean muscle mass while simultaneously decreasing excess body fat.

Aside from these, aerobics make the metabolic process more efficient and its rate high, even after a long while. Imagine burning fat efficiently while driving along the freeway or even while watching television.

6. Extra "Push"

Some people believe that smoking and caffeine can actually help in losing weight. This can perhaps be true; however, they do the body more harm than good because of their side-effects.

For that extra "push", one can try out taking food supplements. After all, 95% of these products out in the market actually do well.

7. On Taking Diet Pills

Over-the-counter diet pills affect the amount of weight one loses as well as how long one keeps that amount of weight off. However, one must be wary of the side-effects of these diet pills. As such, one must faithfully follow the instructions provided for in the packaging.

It is also prudent to consult the physician anyway before trying out these drugs and also to find out which type would be best for the individual.

Losing weight does not have to mean sacrifice and suffering. It actually means opening up to a more full and healthy life where one may not have to feel bad about himself having to look the way he does or not being able to do what he wants to do.

Losing weight might entail a little adjustment plus the discomforts, but as the old saying goes, "no pain, no gain." Besides fat, what has one got to lose anyway?

Natural Remedy For Diseases - Cranberry Juice

It is a naturally healthy drink that can be used for improving the immune system and the other medical purposes, specially for the treatment of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). 

Cranberry Juice is a natural remedy that produces hippuric acid inside the urine which acidifies the urine and prevents sticking of bacterium on the bladder walls. 

It also prevents multiplication of cells in our body, which is responsible for the development of blood cancer disease and it also stops the rapid growth of tumours inside our body.

However, excessive consumption of Cranberry Juice is harmful for the body, and one should also avoid consuming the highly sugared cranberry “cocktails”. 

The correct intake of cranberry juice is prescribed by the dieticians as about one capsule of a concentrated cranberry juice extract (400mg), two to four times in a day, or one can take two to three large (16oz.) glasses of it.

Decreasing the level of bad cholesterol in the body and increasing the concentration of good cholesterol is mostly done by the Cranberry juice, which proves to be quite beneficial. 

Therefore, it’s very helpful in maintaining the healthy and systematic functioning of all organs of the body and it also make the flow of the blood accurately. This healthy juice is also capable for cold infections and curing cough.

Cranberry juice also reduces the risk of osteoporosis among individuals as it is very rich in calcium content. Older people, who have a little amount of acid present in their stomach which helps in digesting the food, often take acid suppressors to digest their food, but they don't have ability to absorb vitamin B12.

 In those cases, the intake of Cranberry Juice provides the capacity to digest such vitamins. Routine intake of this juice also helps to protect against stomach diseases like stones and ulcers etc.

About The Author
Robert Henry is connoisseur in the field of medication. He has been writing some amazing articles on Cranberry Juice, symptoms and cures of the bladder infections. His knowledgeable articles have brought amazing changes in the lives of several individuals.

Weight Loss And Nutritional Diets

The term diet is one that many people don’t really care for. It has often been said that is DIE with a T. The problem is that most people have the wrong frame of mind when it comes to diet.

 They have the perception that it is about giving up all their favorite foods and going hungry. They see it as something they will have to do for a period of time.

However, for a diet to really work it has to be a lifestyle change and something you look forward to. It has to be a nutritional diet and part of your daily lifestyle.

One of the biggest reasons why a diet fails is that people restrict the foods they can consume. It seems that the more you are told you can’t have something the more you want it. Therefore you need to not eliminate anything from your diet. Instead you need to make modifications.

 Do you love chocolate? Make yourself a deal that you can have a small amount of it every evening after you get done exercising. If you don’t work out though you don’t get it!

Be wary of fad diets that restrict what you can eat. You need to have well balanced meals every day. This includes lean meats, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and grains. Doing so will ensure you don’t feel hungry throughout the day. When you restrict foods or skip meals you will tend to binge later on in the day so it really hasn’t been effective for you. It can help if you keep a diary of what you eat as well as how you feel. You will soon notice patterns emerging.

If you have been eating the wrong foods for a very long time you may think it is hopeless. Yet you just need to be dedicated to making some changes that will help you to look and feel much better.

Get the entire family involved in menu planning and shopping. That way you will all be on the same page with it. Planning meals means you will be less likely to pick up foods when you are in a hurry that aren’t good for you.

Many restaurants also have some healthy foods on their menu so ask about them. There is no reason why you can’t eat out but still stay within the confines of your diet. If you can completely eliminate the word diet from your vocabulary it is even better.

The positive outlook you have when you make the changes is going to be very important when it comes to the success you will have.

If you struggle there are dieticians that can help you with planning delicious meals. Discovering that you can eat right, feel good, lose weight, and have delicious foods can become a reality for you.

It will really amaze you how quickly you grow accustomed to this new way of eating. You also won’t feel hungry or feel deprived which means you will be very happy. It is time you start controlling the foods you eat instead of allowing them to control you.

About The Author
Ray Burton loves healthy food and fitness. He runs several websites about health food, nutrition, weight loss and fitness. Visit and get a free report on dieting and weight loss.