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The Importance Of Chiropractors For People With Spinal Cord Injuries

Nobody is excused from developing spinal cord injuries. This is for the simple reason that all people are prone to experiencing nerve trauma caused by car accidents, gunshots, heavy falling, or caused by certain illnesses that affect the back area like polio or ataxia.

Since many people are prone to having spinal cord injuries, there is a need for experts who would tend to the needs of the former.

For those who know people who have spinal cord injuries or those who are prone to the condition themselves, now is the time to get to know one person who can help them get through the whole process of recovery from spinal cord injuries—the chiropractor.

Who needs them?

Generally, all people who feel pain—especially in the spine or vertebrae area—need a chiropractor.

This is because through the services offered by a licensed chiropractor, one can feel relieve from pain, learn how to manage pain, and can reap health benefits though various chiropractic treatments and therapies.

Experts believe that a person's spine is one of the most vulnerable parts of the person's body. This is because the gravity of stress and fatigue take toll in this and lead to back problems such as scoliosis.

Problems in the spine may also lead other complications such as low immune function, headaches, allergies, asthma, and even menstrual disorders.

The process to recovery

The major treatment option offered by chiropractors is to treat subluxation more specifically spinal subluxations which as misalignments of the person's vertebra.

When there is misalignment in this area, there will be nerve irritations, which usually causes the body not to function properly. 

Experts believe that is there is too much or too little movement in the person's vertebra, he or she subluxation. While others may be painless especially among kids, there are those who experience painful ones and aggravates their overall health.

Chiropractors usually work on subluxations at different areas of the person's spine. Since there are different parts, there are also varied problems depending on the area targeted.

The most common subluxation type which chiropractors address is the "C2" or second cervical vertebra type that usually triggers dysfunction of the sinus and major headaches while the "T5" or fifth thoracic vertebra type usually involves a stomach complication.

If you are experiencing these complications and other health problems, it a must to seek from a chiropractor immediately from the nearby hospital or center. In choosing chiropractic center, make sure that it has holistic and comprehensive family care format, strict consultation and examination, and gives the proper recommendation depending on the severity of the condition and the age of the patient.

These are very important to ensure that there will be no medical malpractice on the side of the chiropractor and no added complication on the part of the patient who is seeking for medical attention.

If you are one of those who know somebody who is having problems due to spinal cord injuries, you can try to be of help by being a chiropractor.

If you have decided to take on this path, the first thing that you need to research is where to get education.

Since the chiropractic schools offer curriculums that designed on several health issues and overall wellness options, your will be able to learn everything you need to know.

How Can Chiropractors Help People With Spinal Cord Injuries

People who have spinal cord injuries (SCI) need chiropractors. This is would because these experts would help them boost their musculoskeletal system and their nervous system as well as help mange the pain caused by the condition.

Nowadays, there is an increasing number of people who are experiencing spinal cord injuries because of modern lifestyle.

Many people have become reckless that results to more incidences of car accidents, gunshots, as well as heavy falling that cause great impact on the nerves.

Due to unhealthy lifestyle, many people are also developing diseases such as ataxia or polio that also causes trauma to the nerves connected to the spinal cord.

Since many people are prone to spinal cord injuries, chiropractors are needed to help them by providing spine alignment and other natural therapies can help the person's body to function well by normalizing the nerve flow and regulates the digestion, the heart rate, and the blood pressure.

In chiropractic health, it is believed that there is something wrong with the nervous system—specifically in the person's spine—that causes certain problems as well as other related illnesses.

To be able to help the person function properly, the chiropractor must be able to do some re-alignments in the spine to treat as well as prevent health problems that may be related to a person's vertebrae.

Why become one?

Chiropractic related services are among the most preferred treatment options of people who resort to alternative healthcare because the techniques used here do not involve medicines.

This surge in demand for the services also paved the way for the demand in chiropractors in almost all parts of the world. The following are just some of the reasons why you could choose being a chiropractor as a profession:

- income or salary-wise, it can promise higher bracket. On an average, chiropractors may earn as high as $80, 000 to $90, 000. But this may vary if he or she works for the public or private sector.

Usually, those who work for public sectors earn lesser but they are entitled to more benefits unlike those who are in the private sector who might be greater earning but basic or minimal benefits. The salary may also depend on the years of experience the chiropractor has and the credentials of the person who applies for a job.

- it's can be a rewarding job. For those who are different professions are looking for a jobs that does not only rewarding because of the salary but also because of the nature of work, being a chiropractor is ideal for you.

Since chiropractic work involves helping people who are in need, it can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience if you were able to help a person get well.

- it has a challenging nature of work. The work of chiropractors in using different techniques such as massages and others is challenging enough because the possibility of the person to get well depends on the chiropractor's skills.

- it can encourage self-growth. Being a chiropractor requires one to gain enough knowledge and develop skills needed for the nature of the work. Since one is required to complete a certain course from a chiropractic school, finish an internship and pass the state and national licensure exams, being a chiropractor would definitely help a person's career grow and be mature in terms of outlook in life.

Aside from the advantages that have been mentioned, being a chiropractor is also one way of showing people that you love specially those who have spinal cord injuries because you are able to prove to them that you are willing to devote your career and life to them.

14 Tips To Protect Against Corona Virus (COVID-19)

1) Wash your hands regularly with clean water and any soap.

*Soap creates lather that penetrates the lipid membrane of the virus thereby weakening the virulence of the virus (its ability to infect host).

*Do not use strong detergents to wash your hands to avoid causing you contact allergies.

2)Wear face mask regularly.

*Face mask prevents the spread of the virus droplets from the infected person when coughs, talks or sneezes.

*But because an asymptomatic carrier can spread it and because nobody knows who is the carrier yet unless tested, it is advisable that you act as if you're infected by wearing face mask regularly. This will help to curb the viral spread.

3) Cover your mouth with tissue paper when coughing or sneezing and immediately dispose the tissue afterwards.

*But if no tissue available, cough or sneeze into the inner part of your elbow or cough into your clothes, and wash afterwards.

4) Avoid handshake and hugging for now.

5) Wash your hands with clean water and soap after touching any surfaces or pets.

*Although no scientific evidence that pets can transmit the virus yet, it is advisable to wash your hands after handling pets.

*Use alcohol-based sanitizers if no water and soap available.

*Always use alcohol to clean your handy gadgets like phones, tablets, laptops, bags, eyeglasses, etc regularly.

6) Avoid crowded areas.

*Always maintain social distancing of at least 1 meter from anybody around you.

7) Always avoid touching your face (nose, eyes and mouth) with your hands.

*To curtail the unconscious temptation of touching your face with your hands, try using your less-dominant hand to touch surfaces like door knobs,  table, phones, laptops, etc.

*If you're right-handed, try using your left hands to touch surfaces for now and vice versa.

*This is because there is more tendency that you use your dominant hands to touch your face unconsciously.

😎 Avoid eating uncooked or improperly cooked animal products like meats, eggs, etc.

*This is because these animal products could be handled by infected hands.

9) Boost your immune system.

*Eat balanced diets and natural foods.

*Drink enough water daily.

*Have enough sleep daily.

*Engage in exercises; at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75
minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity.

*Please, kindly avoid unhealthy lifestyles like smoking, drunkenness and unhealthy feeding habits to avoid weakening your immune system.

*Note: Strong immune system can fight off Corona Virus.

10) Do not fear.

* Fear weakens your immune system and can cause cardiovascular damage, etc

11) If you have any comorbidities (any underlying and maintenance diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Asthma, etc), please kindly take very good care of your health and avoid crowds as much as possible.

*Stay indoors as much as possible.

*Comply to your maintenance drugs.

12) If you are already aged or have aged parents and relatives, please kindly shield yourself or them from any possible exposures.

*Aged people and very young children are at higher risk of being infected.

13) If you present with fever, dysphagia and odynophagia  (sore throat), cough, and dyspnea (Difficulty of breathing), etc please kindly consult your doctor immediately.

14) Most importantly, pray to God to protect you and your families because He is the GREATEST PHYSICIAN.

Thank you!