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14 Tips To Protect Against Corona Virus (COVID-19)

1) Wash your hands regularly with clean water and any soap.

*Soap creates lather that penetrates the lipid membrane of the virus thereby weakening the virulence of the virus (its ability to infect host).

*Do not use strong detergents to wash your hands to avoid causing you contact allergies.

2)Wear face mask regularly.

*Face mask prevents the spread of the virus droplets from the infected person when coughs, talks or sneezes.

*But because an asymptomatic carrier can spread it and because nobody knows who is the carrier yet unless tested, it is advisable that you act as if you're infected by wearing face mask regularly. This will help to curb the viral spread.

3) Cover your mouth with tissue paper when coughing or sneezing and immediately dispose the tissue afterwards.

*But if no tissue available, cough or sneeze into the inner part of your elbow or cough into your clothes, and wash afterwards.

4) Avoid handshake and hugging for now.

5) Wash your hands with clean water and soap after touching any surfaces or pets.

*Although no scientific evidence that pets can transmit the virus yet, it is advisable to wash your hands after handling pets.

*Use alcohol-based sanitizers if no water and soap available.

*Always use alcohol to clean your handy gadgets like phones, tablets, laptops, bags, eyeglasses, etc regularly.

6) Avoid crowded areas.

*Always maintain social distancing of at least 1 meter from anybody around you.

7) Always avoid touching your face (nose, eyes and mouth) with your hands.

*To curtail the unconscious temptation of touching your face with your hands, try using your less-dominant hand to touch surfaces like door knobs,  table, phones, laptops, etc.

*If you're right-handed, try using your left hands to touch surfaces for now and vice versa.

*This is because there is more tendency that you use your dominant hands to touch your face unconsciously.

😎 Avoid eating uncooked or improperly cooked animal products like meats, eggs, etc.

*This is because these animal products could be handled by infected hands.

9) Boost your immune system.

*Eat balanced diets and natural foods.

*Drink enough water daily.

*Have enough sleep daily.

*Engage in exercises; at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75
minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity.

*Please, kindly avoid unhealthy lifestyles like smoking, drunkenness and unhealthy feeding habits to avoid weakening your immune system.

*Note: Strong immune system can fight off Corona Virus.

10) Do not fear.

* Fear weakens your immune system and can cause cardiovascular damage, etc

11) If you have any comorbidities (any underlying and maintenance diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Asthma, etc), please kindly take very good care of your health and avoid crowds as much as possible.

*Stay indoors as much as possible.

*Comply to your maintenance drugs.

12) If you are already aged or have aged parents and relatives, please kindly shield yourself or them from any possible exposures.

*Aged people and very young children are at higher risk of being infected.

13) If you present with fever, dysphagia and odynophagia  (sore throat), cough, and dyspnea (Difficulty of breathing), etc please kindly consult your doctor immediately.

14) Most importantly, pray to God to protect you and your families because He is the GREATEST PHYSICIAN.

Thank you!

Massage Can Help Relieve Pain Caused By Spinal Cord Injuries

The modern times give people instant everything but it also lead people to develop lifelong conditions such as spinal cord injuries.

Realizing this, most people are now rediscovering things that would somehow relieve their pain caused by this trauma on their spinal column.

These days, one of the trends for people for relief for those with spinal cord injuries is massage.

 Despite the emergence of different massage parlors, saunas and spas, enjoying a wonderful massage don’t have to expensive.

In fact, you can even ask your husband or your wife to learn how to practice massage so you can ask him or her to do it for you when the pain caused by spinal cord injuries strikes you.

Steps to a powerful and effective massage

During massage sessions, the first thing that needs to be done is to unplug the phone first. This would ensure that you have the luxury of time to spend with each other.

Since a massage is not the kind of experience you would want to do hastily, it is best if you check the room you would use.

Some of the possible factors that would affect—directly or indirectly—the outcome of a relaxing massage experience is the lighting and the overall atmosphere of the room.

Make sure to turn off the light but if you or your partner is the type that enjoys mystery during a massage session, you can light scented candles or let natural sunlight permeate through your opened window to provide soft and indirect lighting.

And though you might want to play a soft sensual music throughout the massage, it is better if you keep the room quiet so you would hear and feel what delights your partner.

It is also best if you would rearrange the room to give it a hands-on feeling and make sure it’s cozy and warm so both of you would be comfortable.

Although it is ideal to give a massage on a firm and flat surface like a massage table, a firm mattress would do. It is also more adventurous if you will try to pile up the pillows on the solid floor to achieve that ultimate massage experience.    

Some sanitary factors might also affect the massage experience. To avoid having delays to a massage, check if your hands are clean by making sure that your fingernails are properly trimmed.

It is also suitable to keep your hands dry and warm by rubbing them together thoroughly. Although it not ‘a must’ to be clean before a massage, your partner definitely be more comfortable and relaxed if the essential parts of the body, like the hands and toes are clean.

Ask the massage receiver if he or she would want to take a bath first before the session starts.

After considering all the factors that would affect the entire session, the time comes for the actual massage.

You must keep in mind that constant contact with your partner is a very important thing throughout because it helps the massage flow smoothly. It is equally important to know the pressure suitable for your partner by intently listening to their responses while asking him or her once in a while.

To make that the pressure is just right for your partner that has spinal cord injuries, keep your movements symmetric, even, and rhythmic by following smooth patterns.

Have a wonderful day.