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Showing posts with label Food. Show all posts

The Importance Of Working Your Core Muscle

Suppose that at a distance you see a short, stooped figure walking with short, slow steps. Most likely, you will conclude that the person is old. The hunched posture gives you the clue.

Why does aging contort so many bodies in this way? The reason is that many people, throughout their lives, never extend the neck to its full range, and so the muscles shorten. Long hours of reading, sewing, typing, or standing at a workbench take their toll.

 Eventually deposits of calcium salts in the joints complete the process of immobilization. Once this calcification takes place, nothing can be done to reverse it.

Fortunately, older persons can take action before it is too late. The best action is regular exercise that stretches the muscles and improves flexibility, with special considerations on the core muscles.

 This kind of response is relatively important for a number of factors that when taken for granted will only lead to serious health problems.

What Are Core Muscles?

Core muscles pertain to the muscles found at the obliques, abdominals, lower back, and the glutes. These four areas of the body are the ones that usually frame the posture of a person. Hence, a good posture reflects the good condition of these muscle areas.

What people do not know is that core muscles are actually the “core” or the central part for all the strength that is needed to boost carry out different physical activities. This only means that if an individual’s core muscle is physically powerful, it will maintain equilibrium on the body and will stabilize the system every time the person is working out and moving.

Strengthening Core Muscles

The main responsibility of the core muscles is to provide enough power to the body in order to enable it to cope up with the dynamic challenges of every physical activity that a person encounters.

For this reason, many health and fitness experts have realized that it is relatively important to strengthen the core muscles than with the other muscles in the body. Through some series of experiments and research, they have found out that having a stronger core can lessen a lot of health problems concerning posture.

For instance, a well-conditioned core muscle can project good posture. It can also improve the endurance of the back all the way through the day.

Why? Because muscles that are included in the group of core muscles are actually the ones that initiate the proper stabilization of the whole upper and lower torso.

So, for those who wish to know and understand why it is important strengthen the core muscles, here is a list of some of the benefits that you can use as references:

1. Strengthening core muscles will improve posture and prevent low back pain of the muscular origin.

This means that as you incorporate stretching exercises in your routine, taking a particular focus on the muscles of the upper and front part of the trunk, including the abdominal and trunk muscles, the activity has the tendency to strengthen the muscles of the back that extend to the spine.

2. It will help tone the muscles, thereby, avoiding further back injury

Exercising your core muscles will strengthen and tones your lower back muscles and buttocks while stretching the hip flexors and the muscles on the front of the thighs.

Achieving this state will deter you from any serious lower back injury.

3. Improves physical performance

Exercising the core muscles with slow, static stretching is just as effective in relieving stiffness and enhances flexibility. Once the flexibility of a person has improved, it follows that he will be able to perform his physical activities at a better state.

4. They do not cause sore aching muscles

Static stretching for core muscles is best for the muscles and connective tissues. And because it employs slow stretches only, it will not cause any soreness, as do the quick, bouncing exercises that rely on jerky muscle contraction.

5. Lengthen muscles and avoid unbalanced footing as you get old

Core muscle exercises lengthen the muscles that have contracted as a result of pain. It also prevents pain from vigorous exercise if they are included at the end of each workout.

Health and fitness experts highly recommend starting core work out immediately and repeating the routine at least 2 times a week. The process can be done after the workout or even during the activity, for about 10 to 20 minutes only.

Indeed, core muscles are absolutely important in determining the good posture of the body. Strengthening them can absolutely eliminate those nuisances of back pains.

What Is Rash, The Different Kinds And Cures

"Rash" is a kind of red bump that forms on your body and could be caused due to a variety of reasons. This word is freely used in normal language to denote a number of skin conditions. Most commonly occurring skin conditions or skin rash types are:

    * Non infected scaly patches on the skin.
    * Scaly patches on skin caused by fungal or bacterial infection.
    * Red, itchy patches or bumps all over the skin.

Skin rashes are rarely classified as dangerous, but still warrant medical attention. Rashes should not be self-diagnosed. Proper evaluation of the skin rash type requires a doctor visit. The following list of skin rash types may help you to categorize the condition.

Non infected scaly patches on the skin:

Scaly and itchy skin rash type usually represents a condition known as eczema.

Atopic dermatitis: The most common form of eczema is known as Atopic dermatitis. This skin rash type is normally hereditary which often starts in childhood with symptoms like scaly patches on the arms, legs, scalp and torso. 

During teenage the condition of atopic dermatitis may spread to inner elbows and knees. Adults are affected by atopic dermatitis on the genitals, around the eyelids, on the hand and all over the body as well.

"Dermatitis" means skin inflammation. "Atopic" refers to hereditary diseases. These diseases may include hay fever, asthma and atopic dermatitis. In a condition of atopic dermatitis, the skin turns extremely itchy and inflamed which may cause redness, swelling and cracking. 

Atopic dermatitis affects off and on for no apparent reason. It is at its worst in winter months, when the air becomes cold and dry.

Contact dermatitis: Contact dermatitis is a skin rash type caused due to contact with a specific material which may cause allergy to the skin. For example poison ivy and jewelry containing nickel causes reactions. Contact dermatitis affects only the touched parts.

The other kinds of skin rash types are scaly rashes. The ones worth mentioning are psoriasis, also a hereditary condition affecting knees, elbows and pityriasis rosea, which forms scaly rashes on the chest and back and generally disappears in a month. Xerosis or very dry skin, may appear as rash during the cold, dry months of the year.

Scaly patches on skin caused by fungal or bacterial infection:

Fungal infections: Fungal infections are common but don't appear as often as rashes in the eczema category. Fungal infections are not due to hygiene, clean people are also prone to them. The fungal infection skin rash type is not caught from animals, nor is it transmitted in gyms, showers or pools. They are not contagious.

Bacterial infections: The most common skin rash type caused by bacterial infection is impetigo. Impetigo is caused by strep germs and is more common in children. This again is not due to poor hygiene.

Red, itchy patches or bumps all over the skin:

This form of skin rash type is caused by virus or allergy.

Viral rash: Viral infections of the skin like herpes mostly occurs on one part of the body, viral rashes also occur all over the body and are symmetrical. These viral rashes usually last about a week and vanish on their own.

Allergic drug rash: Rashes caused due to drug allergy start in about two weeks of a new medication. It is very unlikely that a medicine which has been prescribed for a few months or years to cause a reaction. There is no specific test to prove whether a rash is allergic as a result of which doctors recommend stopping a suspected drug to see the results.

Other rashes

Hives or Urticaria are red welts that are itchy. They appear and disappear on different parts of the body. Because of the vagueness of the term, most people use "rash" to describe the conditions of pimples or rosacea on the facial skin. They certainly do not fall into any skin rash types.

Health Advice On Use Of Grape Fruits

Do you like grapefruit? The interaction between grapefruit juice and some medications can cause negative effects, especially on kidney level, and sometimes it can be fatal. 

A woman that uses birth control pills and then suddenly drinks too much grapefruit juice can get pregnant because this juice makes the effects of the pills disappear.
Grapefruit juice is not indicated to drink while taking anti-depressing medication, antibiotics and medicine for cardio-vascular diseases. A person that takes anti-depressives and adds to that grapefruit in huge quantities can feel that he has all of a sudden too much or too little energy, depending on the pills taken.
 Combining it with antibiotic can cause stomach sickness or can extend the illness you are taking medication for because the antibiotics will have a diminutive effect. Heart drugs don’t work anymore, the blood pressure stays up and the heart beat irregularly. 
For those that love grapefruit juice, witch is more concentrated than the fruit itself, a recommendation would be to restrain from drinking it while they are taking medication.
Doctors try to raise attention upon avoiding and combating the combination of grapefruit with medicine especially because in some diets grapefruit juice is recommended in huge quantities.
Grapefruit is benefit to organism if used properly. It belongs to that class of aliments that burn calories, because it takes more calories to digest them than they have. Eating the fruit is not a problem, nor is drinking a glass of juice once in a while. 
The problem appears where human reasoning disappears. Wanting to loose more weight faster, people weaken their bodies and eat only grapefruits. It is efficient for a diet, but it also loosens the immune system. 
They become more vulnerable, more tired and nervous and if taking any medications they are risking their health in this combination.
So use this aliment wisely, go ask a specialist of its precise effects in your case and don’t abuse drinking grapefruit juice. Abusing something has never brought anything good, and it won’t in this case either.
 If you want to go on with your diet and keep your health find an alternative solution or make sure this does not affect your organism.

The Types Of Diabetes And Exercise

The most common types of diabetes are known as Type 1 and Type 2.  The Type 1 diabetes, which is also
known as adolescent diabetes, differs from Type 2  in the sense that the body will stop producing insulin altogether.

Type 2 diabetes is normally diagnosed in older adults and occurs as the body stops producing enough insulin or the individual becomes resistant to their own body insulin.

No matter what form of diabetes it is, you'll lose your ability to adequately utilize sugar.  The blood sugar levels will increase due to the body's difficulty in transporting sugar into the cells and out of the blood stream.  There are several ways to lower your blood sugar levels, including diet, exercise, and medication.

As a whole, exercise is a very important part of diabetic management for both Type 1 and Type  diabetics.  Those that have Type 1 will find regular exercise helps to maintain insulin sensitivity, helps to prevent the accumulation of excess weight, and also increases the use of glucose by muscles.

Although there is really no way to prevent Type 1 diabetes, it is possible to prevent Type 2 diabetes.

The things to consider when you attempt to prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes are regular exercise
supplementation with vitamins and herbs that will help to prevent insulin resistance and proper control of weight.

Not only with exercise help directly with diabetic management by lowering blood sugar levels and maintaining insulin sensitivity, but it will also help minimize several of the complications that can occur in a diabetic individual. Research has shown that walking 30 minutes each day can diminish the possibility of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Almost all diabetics tend to develop circulatory problems and exercise can help lower blood pressure and improve circulation throughout the body.  Seeing as how people with diabetes tend to have poor blood flow to their lower areas and feet, better circulation is a great benefit.

Even though there are risks associated with exercise, the potential benefits will outweigh the risks.  Exercise does indeed lower blood sugar levels, so those with diabetes should measure their blood sugar both before and after they exercise.

Since your body uses more sugar while you exercise and makes you more sensitive to insulin, there is a risk of blood sugar becoming too low and causing hypoglycemia as a result.

Whenever you exercise, it is important to let others know that you are diabetic.  They should also be informed about what they should do in case of hypoglycemia.  To be on the safe side, you should always carry candy or fruit juice with you to treat low blood sugar when it occurs.

During and after you have exercised, you should pay very close attention about how you feel, since rapid heart beat, increased sweating, feeling shaky, or hunger can signal that your blood sugar levels are getting too low.

With diabetic management and treatment, exercise is very important.  Exercise will help with blood sugar control when the muscles use more glucose and the body becomes more sensitive to insulin. Exercise will also help to prevent and minimize common diabetic complications which include heart problems, high blood pressure, and circulatory deficiencies. 

If you are a diabetic, exercise should be part of your daily routine.  You should always exercise at a slow pace and never overdo it.  Also, you should be sure to exercise around people you know or at a gym, so there will always be people around you in case something goes wrong.

Being a diabetic doesn't have to hinder your life or your performance, as exercise can help you get your life back on track and heading in the right direction - the healthy direction.

Different Kinds Of Food For Success

From now on you would be glad to know there is a way to improve your job performances and help you along your journey to achieve professional success.

 A day of your life should be divided in stages that can assure you the needed aliments for great professional performances. It doesn’t matter if you work form 9 AM to 5 PM or if you work all night. 
Long run persons
If you are a “long run person”, you are on your feet the entire day so the amount of physic effort you are making is great. Your body needs energy from morning till evening. You must keep the sugar level stable with the help of complex hydro-carbonates. 

You will be like a little ant if you start your day with cereals and milk, you eat for lunch soup and vegetables with cheese and in the evening you can save yourself some lasagna and salad.

Night stars
If you are a “night star” your work hours keep until the first morning hours. You need food for feeling ok and happy, combating depression that can often occur during nights. Vitamin B1 is the one that will keep you smiling all night. 

Your day should start out with a breakfast of bread and honey and the lunch should consist of pasta and vegetables. You can end your day with a dinner with chicken barbecue and salad.

Office angel
If you are an “office angel” then you are performing intense mental activities and a low physical effort. Your body needs “intelligent” food, that would give energy to the brain and nerves, that means aliments rich in vitamins B and C. for breakfasts you can eat bananas and yogurt, at lunch scrambled eggs and toasted bread and for dinner potatoes, fish and vegetables.

No matter what your job is, you should have always enough needed energy to perform it. it well, you won’t get fat, but you have to eat as much as you need in order not to feel hungry while at work. That will clearly affect your performances.

Treatment Of Diabetes Explained

Now a day’s diabetes treatment has become a common disease among people. It is caused due to mismanagement of carbohydrate metabolism inside the body. 

Diabetes is identified with the excessive production of urine, hunger, thirst and excessive loss of weight, blurred vision, and delay in healing of skin, repeated infection, and excessive fatigue. Diabetes has got a serous issue of human health. It denotes sugar in blood and urine very excessively. 

So, when it comes to treatment of diabetes the main concern should be given to control blood sugar, which is main cause of diabetes. Managing blood sugar is the stepping-stone of this diabetes treatment program. To remove the complications of diabetes one must take it seriously and adopt some good diet process or healthy exercise.

 Apart from doing so some take insulin and any other type of medication program to be cured to some extent. Frequent testing of blood sugar can denote you how much you have improved on your part to manage suitable measure of sugar in blood. 

It is very important to learn the right range of glucose in blood unless and until you cannot have the idea about the complication you are facing about this disease. It depends on age mainly such as in younger age assuming not much complication is there the suitable range of glucose is 80-120 mg/dL and in older age it is 100-140 mg/dL. 

 Diabetes program includes some specific self-treatments like having good and suitable diet, having proper exercise, maintaining healthy weight and medication. 

When it is about good and suitable diet it does not make any suggestion to take all dull food which are not of your interest rather it denotes to have more fruits, vegetables and grains that means you should be conscious in taking the foods of high nutrition and lower fat and calories. Avoid taking sweets and animal products with no limit. 

The main part of this diabetes treatment program is that you own self should be challenging in this task otherwise this program will be harder enough. Consult any dietitian about meal plan and try to maintain it at the fixed times every day with same amount according to your diet plan.

On the part of having proper exercise you should be cautious about all aerobic exercises. In this diabetes treatment program you can make your choices among the daily exercises like doing morning or evening walk, jogging, hiking, biking, swimming and any other exercises of heart and lungs. 

Remember giving consistency to your exercise process is very important to get the best result through it. Try to maintain weight according to your activity level and age because overweight is dangerous factor which help to make your cells more resistant to insulin. Making suitable weight loss plan and going according to that can make its result more effectively.

Sometimes medication takes a very important role in case where it is found that good dieting and exercise are not fulfilling it purpose. This type of diabetes program includes the insert of insulin as per requirement. As it can’t be taken in form of pill some people have it injected by syringe or some have it with insulin pump.

So now it is very clear that diabetes is always manageable if the sufferer give a serious daily attention to it. Although diabetes stands for life long suffering, yet it never means the end of your life. 

You just have to remember that the disease will be in your control only and only if you are self disciplined for your each and every step of treatment program.

Water And Exercise

The human body is made up of over 75% of water, and as we all know, we cannot live without water.  The
fact is, we can only survive for a total of 3 days without water.

Water has however, been replaced in most diets by soft drinks and other sugar sweetened refreshments. Keep in mind that water is a healthier and necessary for leading yourself towards a better health and longevity.

Your own personal need for water can vary greatly due to exercise, weight, and temperature.  Research
has proven that over 2/3 of adults don't get the water they need on a daily basis. 

By drinking water on a regular basis you can replenish your body and keep it well hydrated and functioning as it should be.

A majority of us wait until we are thirsty before we drink water.  Keep in mind, this way isn't a reliable gauge of the water needs for the body. 

By the time you are thirsty you have already lost two of more cups of the body's water supply.  Therefore, drinking water regularly is much better than simply waiting until you are thirsty.

It is very important that you don't substitute beverages with alcohol and caffeine for water.  The reason behind this is that those types of beverages act as a diuretic and can cause you to lose more weight through increased urination.

You may think and feel as if you are getting more water through these beverages, although the fact is that you  are letting it go almost as fast as you consume it.

Anytime you exercise, you need more water. Due to perspiration, your body will lose quite a bit of water.  For each pound lost due to exercise, you need to drink 2 cups of water.  Even when you lay down

to sleep, your body loses water.  By drinking a glass or more of water before you go to sleep, you can wake up with your body functioning as it should be.

It should become more obvious that when you are sick you'll need more water than any other tine.  When
you get a cold or the flu, your body can become dehydrated quite quickly.  You can help to prevent this by drinking more water at times when you become sick.

There are several mixed opinions as to whether purified water will actually provide benefit.  This is a subject you should explore yourself as you determine the best type of water for yourself. 

Always make it a habit to drink water on a daily basis.  You should keep a bottle of water with you at all times and drink it throughout the day.  You should also teach yourself to drink water instead of other beverages that don't replenish the nutrients your body needs.

26 Causes Of Bad Breath

Bad breath is a common health problem which greatly affects the day to day activities of so many people. The offensive odor from the mouth is unpleasant to those who come in close contact with bad breathers.

The problem will be doubled by psychological trauma leading to depression. The sufferers from this problem will be isolated from the society. This can even lead to marital disharmony.

Literally speaking all human beings are bad breathes. Oral cavity contains millions  of  anaerobic bacteria like fusobacterium and actinomyces which acts on the protein of food materials and purifies them.

 This process results in the formation of offensive gases like hydrogen sulphide,methyl mescaptan,cadaverin,skatol,putrescine etc. causing bad odor.

If oral hygiene is not maintained properly all will suffer from  bad breath. Most of us control this by regular brushing,tongue cleaning and gargling.

 Even after maintaining cleanliness in the mouth some individuals suffer from offensive smell due to various causes which has to be diagnosed and treated properly.

Here are some common causes of bad breath.

1) Poor oral hygiene:

If oral hygiene is not maintained properly the mouth becomes the seat for millions of bacteria which produce offensive gases by degrading the food debris.

 Bad breath is severe in those who do not brush their teeth regularly and clean their mouth after every food. Snacks taken in between meals can also produce bad breath because of improper cleaning.

Bad breath is common in almost all people in the morning on waking. During sleep there is less production of saliva .Saliva  has got some antibacterial properties which help to keep the mouth clean.

Saliva contains oxygen molecules which is needed to make oral cavity aerobic. So the reduction in it's quantity during sleep makes a favorable condition for anaerobic bacteria.

2) Food habits:

The main cause of bad smell is due to degradation of protein by the bacteria and hence all food products rich in protein favors bad breath. Meat,fish,milk products, eggs,cakes,nuts,pear etc can cause bad breath. Some food articles can produce particular type of smell which may be unpleasant.

Raw onion can produce typical bad smell. It is said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away,a raw onion a day keeps everybody away. Eating groundnuts can also produce bad smell.

However if proper cleaning is done smell can be reduced irrespective of the nature of food.  Irregularity in timing of food can also produce bad breath. Small food articles taken in between the meals can also produce bad smell.

3) Bio-film:

There is formation of a thin sticky coating  called bio-film on the tongue and oral mucosa. This coating is thick on the posterior aspect of the tongue where millions of gram negative bacteria are seen .The thick coating on the tongue is always associated with bad breath. Even a  thin bio-film can make anaerobic condition favorable for bacterial proliferation.

4) Dental cavities:

This is a destructive process causing destruction of enamel and dentine resulting in cavitation of the tooth. These are produced mainly by the lactobacilli .

Food particles are deposited inside these cavities and are putrefied by the anaerobic bacteria producing bad smell. Normal brushing will not remove the food debris easily.

Cavities are common in school going children and in those who do not maintain proper oral hygiene .Calcium and vitamin deficiency can also predispose cavities.

5) Gingivitis:

Gum is a mucus membrane with supporting connective tissue covering the tooth bearing borders of the jaw .The main function of gum is protection .Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gum. Due to various causes gum tissue get infected resulting in swelling,pain and discharge.

 If the condition become worse the infection spread towards periodontal area leading to continuous discharge called pyorrhea. Some times the infection goes deep producing alveolar abscess with discharge of pus. Infection can even reach the bone causing osteomyelitis. All these conditions can produce offensive smell.

6) Gum retraction:

When the gums retract from the teeth a gap is developed which will lodge food particles and cause bad breath.

7) Dental plaques and tartar deposits:

 Plaques and tartar is deposited mainly in the gaps  between the teeth and gum. This will provide shelter for the food debris and bacteria causing  bad breath.

8) Ulcerative lesions and coatings:

Almost all ulcerative lesions of the mouth are associated with bad breath. These lesions may be caused by bacteria,viruses,food allergies or due to autoimmune disorders.

Apthous ulcer is the commonest among ulcerative lesions. Others are herpes,fungal infections, angina,infectious mononucleosis,scarlet fever,diphtheria,drug reactions etc.

Cancerous ulcers produce severe bad breath. All fungal infections produce white coating(candidiasis). Leucoplakia is a white thick patch on the mucus membrane of the mouth & tongue. It is considered as a precancerous condition. Offensive breath is associated with these conditions.

9) Diseases of the salivary glands:

Saliva is very useful to supply oxygen to all parts of the oral cavity. Even a thin film of coating called bio-film can provide an anaerobic condition in the mouth. Saliva can wet these layers and make an aerobic condition which is unfavorable for the bacteria .

Any condition which reduces the production of saliva can increase bacterial activity.  Some times the salivary duct is obstructed by stones or tumors.Cancer of the salivary gland is associated with offensive odor.

10) Tonsillitis:

Tonsils are a pair of lymphoid tissue situated  in the lateral wall of oropharynx. Inflammation of the tonsil is called tonsillitis. Bad breath is seen in both acute and chronic tonsillitis. Quinsy or peritonsillar abscess can also produce bad breath.

11) Tonsillar plaques & Tonsillar fluid:

If bad breath persists even after maintaining proper oral hygiene there is possibility of this condition. Serous fluid secreted from the folds of tonsil is very offensive. Some patients complain that they hawk some cheesy materials from the throat;which are very offensive in nature.

 These are formed inside the tonsillar crypts which contain thousands of bacteria. In such conditions tonsillectomy gives noticeable relief from bad breath.               

12) Pharyngitis and pharyngial abscess:

Pharynx is a fibromuscular tube which forms the upper part of the digestive & respiratory tract. Inflammation of the pharynx is called pharyngitis, caused mainly by bacteria and viruses.

Bad breath is present in pharyngitis along with other signs like cough and throat irritation. Abscesses in the wall of pharynx can also produce offensive discharge of pus in to the throat.

13) Dentures:

Denture users may complain about bad smell due to lodgement of small food debris in between. Proper brushing may not be possible in denture users especially fixed dentures.

14) Tobacco:

Tobacco chewing is associated with bad breath. The smell of tobacco itself is unpleasant for others. Tobacco can irritate the mucus membrane and cause ulcers and coatings. Gingivitis and pyorrhea are common in tobacco chewers.

Tartar is deposited on the teeth mainly near the gums. Tobacco chewers get gastric acidity with eructations. All these causes offensive smell.

15) Smoking:

Smokers always have  bad smell. It can also produce lesions in the mouth & lungs causing bad breath.

Smoking increases carbon dioxide in the oral cavity & reduces oxygen level,causing a favorable condition for bacteria. Smoking reduces appetite & thirst hence acid peptic disease is common in chain smokers.

16) Lesions in the nose & ear:

Bad breath is occasionally seen in sinusitis(infection of para nasal sinuses). In case of post nasal dripping bad breath is common due to the presence of protein in the discharges. These proteins are degraded by the bacteria.

Infection in the middle ear with discharge of pus in to the throat through the Eustachian tube(passage from middle ear to the throat)can also cause offensive odor.

Chronic rhinitis(infection of mucus membrane of nose) and foreign bodies in the nose can also produce bad smell in the expired air.

17) Diabetes mellitus:

Mostly all diabetic patients suffer from bad breath. Coated tongue,ulcers & coatings in the mouth ,increased sugar level in tissues are responsible for bad breath.Bacterial growth in diabetic patient is very faster than non diabetic individuals.

18) Fevers:

Bad breath is common in almost all fevers. Even an acute fever can produce bad breath. Severe bad breath is seen in typhoid .Other infectious diseases like Tuberculosis  and AIDS produce bad smell.
19) Fasting & dehydration:

Dry mouth favors bacterial activity. So any condition which produce dryness in the mouth makes the breath offensive. Even though the food particles are known to produce bad breath, fasting can also produce the same.

Production of saliva is also reduced during fasting. Chewing and swallowing also helps to keep the mouth clean.

20) Bedridden patients:

Bedridden patients suffer from offensive breath due to thick coating on the tongue. water intake is also limited in these patients. Regurgitation of food aggravates the condition.

Since they talk less aeration in the oral cavity is reduced which favors anaerobic bacteria to become active.

21) Diseases of stomach & esophagus:

Eructation of gas and food produce unpleasant smell. Abnormality in the function of lower sphincter can allow the food to regurgitate upwards causing bad breath. Bad breath is also common in gastritis,gastric ulcer and cancer of stomach.

22) Intestinal diseases:

Bad breath is common in patients suffering from ulcerative lesions of intestine like ulcerative colitis. Other diseases are malabsorption syndrome, intestinal tuberculosis, peritonitis etc.

23) Diseases of lungs:

Lung diseases like pneumonia, lung abscess,chronic bronchitis,tuberculosis, lung cancer etc can produce bad odor during expiration.

24) Liver disorders:

Liver diseases like hepatitis, cirrhosis,can  cause bad breath.Gall bladder diseases with vomiting also causes unpleasant odor.    

25) Psychiatric  patients:

Bad breath is common in psychotic patients due to poor hygiene,irregular food habits,less water intake and etc.

26) Somatisation disorder:

This is a psychiatric disorder characterized by the presence of a physical symptom that suggest a medical illness .These patients come with physical complaints like pain,nausea difficult respiration, bad smell etc.

This condition is diagnosed after detailed examination of the patient with all investigations.Since this is a psychiatric disorder it has to be managed with a psychological approach.


How Natural Medicine Can Help You, A 5000 Year-Old Medical Secret Unearthed!

When you get sick, you go to the doctor. And the doctor will, of course, prescribe medicines. You will go and buy medicines. You take them, and hopefully, you get well.

This is how the health profession goes on nowadays – a cycle of diagnosis and prescription.

If anyone were to give you herbs for medicine, you would probably say that that person was a quack.

But nowadays, studies are being conducted to see if there are really is any merit to what is called natural medicine.

Natural medicine is the use of natural methods, herbal medicines, and traditional practices to heal ailments.

Every culture has a form of natural medicine. In ancient cultures, village medicine men served as the doctors of the community, passing on medical knowledge to the apprentices that followed them.

Many categories of the healing methods fall under natural medicine. Among these are traditional medicine, complementary medicine, and alternative medicine.

Usually, natural medicine refers to medical practices that were in place before the advent of modern medicine.

This includes herbal medicine, or phytotherapy, which is prevalent in Chinese, Ayurvedic(or Indian), and Greek medicine.

Upon the advent of modern medicine, many professionals discarded the use of herbs in favor of man-made medicine. The fact that these treatments are based on the healing properties of some herbs was forgotten.

For example, opium, digitalis, quinine, and aspirin all have their roots in traditional medicine.

Natural medicine can be considered as a lost art. This does not mean that it has lost efficacy over time. In some cases, natural therapy is actually better than modern medicine. This leads some doctors to seriously consider and study the possible uses of natural medicine

Before we continue, it is important to stress that not all the natural remedies are legitimate. It would help to only try those remedies which have been thoroughly studied and are relatively risk free.

Take herbal medicine for example. There are many well-documented and studied herbal remedies available. However, only those that deal with minor ailments such as cough, colds, fever, skin rashes, and its ilk are likely to be recommended by health professionals.

These remedies are sometimes superior to synthetic medicine. This is because herbal medicines are less likely to cause negative side effects.

Currently there are numerous organizations that study the effects and advocacy of natural medicine – among which is herbal medicine. Some governments and health agencies openly advocate the use of natural methods since they are inexpensive and relatively risk-free.

As their studies compile, more herbs and treatments are added to the list of accepted medicines. However, many herbs and treatments have been proven to be bogus medicine.

This represents a challenge for both the user and the agencies because they have to ascertain that the treatments they either use or advocate are legitimate.

There exist today many alternative medical treatments that fall under natural medicine. However, not all of them have been proven to be effective. You could mention homeopathy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and other alternative medical treatments. It would pay to consult the experts as to the legitimacy of these treatments.

Natural medicine should also be thought of as an accompanying medicine. Right now, the current collective medical thought suggests that natural medicine be used only to supplement accepted modern medical practices. In that case of minor ailments your expert we actually advise you to take natural therapies instead.

The practice of modern medicine revolves around diagnosing an illness and prescribing treatments for such.

 Natural medicine is helpful because it suggests that treatment be not necessarily given only when sick.

Natural medicine strives to make each patient practice good health habits. These habits include good diet, healthy living, and the regular natural treatment.

It is this same line of thought that leads our parents to tell us to eat our vegetables. Yes, a healthy lifestyle and will do no harm to our well-being. And this is the foundation of natural medicine – may it be massage, herbal medicine, aromatherapy or others.

It is funny but true that science, in its quest for excellence, is studying the knowledge of sages past. This, surprisingly, leads us back to the remedies nature offers. The possibilities of finding remedies to everyday illnesses in natural medicine are encouraging.

So staying tuned to studying these remedies is worthwhile until we can verify that these therapies are truly helpful to our health and our society.

Simple Modern Ways To Whiten Your Teeth

Everyone desires to have a great smile. For a killer smile, one should have sparkling, bright, and shiny teeth.

Today, a lot of people are spending more money just to have their teeth whiter. They make use of the best teeth whitening treatments and undergo procedures to achieve the brilliant white teeth.

Teeth whitening had been an effective procedure to lighten the color of the teeth, without taking away any of the tooth surface.

It will not completely whiten the whole set of teeth; it will just lighten the existing color of the teeth.

Only a few are blessed with pearly white teeth, and our teeth normally become discolored as we grow up.

Our teeth can also be stained on the outer part because of the food and drink. Coffee, tea, blackcurrant and red wine have effect on the discoloration of our teeth.

Smoking is another cause of teeth discoloration. Most people may encounter staining beneath the surface which is caused by tiny cracks in the teeth or certain antibiotics that absorb the stains.

But what are these teeth whitening treatments and procedures? And are these done?

Bleaching. This is most common form of teeth whitening procedure. Your dentist will advice you if this is the best teeth whitening treatment suitable for you.

Bleaching is done by placing a gel or rubber to shield the soft tissue of your gums. Then, the whitening product will be applied on your teeth by using a special tray which shapes into your mouth like a gum shell.

The teeth whitening product usually contains carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide as the 'active ingredients'

. When these ingredients break down, the oxygen enters the enamel of your teeth thus, making the color lighter. The entire treatment can be completed in three to four weeks time.

For those who wish to undergo to this treatment, you will need at least three visits to the dentist. On your first visit, the dentist will create a mouth-guard and take a caricature or impressions of it.

 Once the treatment has started, it is recommended that you continue it at home. You have to regularly apply the teeth whitening product over four weeks, for at least 30 minutes at a time.

Most of the known and best teeth whitening products can be applied for up to several hours at a time. The treatment can be done even while you're sleeping. Ideally, a good result can be attained in as little as one week.

Laser Whitening. This is also called the "power whitening". Though expensive, a lot of people especially artists consider it as the best teeth whitening method.

During this process, a rubber dam is placed over your teeth to shield the gums, and the whitening product is then painted on your teeth.

A laser will be used to stimulate the chemical. The light will help boost the chemical reaction of the bleaching product, thus the color change can be attained more rapidly.

Dentists believe that the result of laser whitening treatment is good. It can make your teeth up to six shades lighter.

Unfortunately, not everyone can get a chance to undergo laser treatment. The dentist will have to check your teeth and ensure that you are fit for the treatment. The total procedure is usually done in an hour.

The effects of this power whitening is said to last up to three years depending on the person. The dentist still advice not to smoke, eat and drink products that may cause a stain in your teeth.

Others may find their teeth vulnerable to cold after the treatment. But these symptoms usually vanish within a few days.

These are just two of the famous and best teeth whitening methods available. Despite the fact that they may cost a lot, the effect is still worth it.

Through these methods, you'll surely flash everyone a perfect smile.

Stop Snoring: Ways To Treat The Night Time Dilemma

The most often question raised to any condition is - can it be cured? Well, that actually depends on the nature of the disease, disorder, or syndrome and what knowledge do the medical and scientific communities have with regards to the problem.

Luckily, snoring is not much of a difficult condition to treat. The nature of which is also well-known that most consider it normal. So normal that many tend not to get bothered of its effects, especially when mild.

Treatments for snoring depend on the diagnosis gathered. While snoring may appear to have no types, it must be understood that there are certain kinds of snoring that excessively disrupts sleep and there are those that do not cause any harm at all.

Examination of the physiology and anatomy of the throat and the underlying tissues will reveal where the problems root. Usually, snoring stems from loose muscles that flaps back and forth when air runs through the throat. However, this is not always the case.

 Sometimes, snoring can also be due to allergies, deformities, infections and abnormal enlargement of adenoids and tonsils. All of which, if carefully examined, will lead us back to the obstruction of air passage.

Normally, prevention of the main causes can treat snoring. This includes abstinence from smoking, drinking alcohol and other relaxants, and maintenance of an ideal weight. All these have adverse effects not only on the body but can directly cause loose muscles to vibrate abnormally.

Treatments to stop snoring can include lifestyle-changing habits, use of stop snoring aids and more intensive surgeries. The choice is normally set for the snorer to take, depending on the aggravation of the condition.

As we have mentioned earlier, simple measures can contribute largely to the treatment of the condition. Stop snoring aids, on the other hand, would require patience to find what fits for you.

The market offers a great variety of snoring aids including nasal breathing devices, adjustable beds, oral and dental appliances and pressurized masks.

Nasal breathing devices normally aim to keep your nasal passages open or your jaws from dropping. You may find nasal strips, nasal clips, chin up strips and chin straps under this category. These products normally require you to breathe using your nose rather than your mouth since mouth breathing typically ends up to snoring. It has been observed that a switch from mouth to nasal breathing can eliminate a number of snoring types.

Mouth pieces or oral devices aim to position the tongue away from blocking the air passage. You should seek dental specialist if you are considering the use of such devices as solutions to nighttime dilemma.

Surgery, on the other hand, is an irreversible decision. Therefore, you should be careful if you truly are considering this option. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty or UPPP is known to be the traditional method of trimming excess tissues in the throat. A more modern approach uses laser thus the name Laser-Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty or LAUP.

Removal of unnecessary tissues in the throat enlarges the air passage which helps reduce the collapse of the muscles.

Approaches to be used in line with your condition vary according to your personal preference and the immediate need to cure your condition. It is best to seek medical help first or get yourself educated with your options before running under the knife or strapping your mouth with some device.

Nutrition For The Elderly

Healthy eating and nutrition for the elderly is greatly impacted by several factors, one of them being a change in body composition.  During the later years in life, the body will lose bone and muscle and gain fat because the hormones aren't very active anymore.

There are many factors which hinder an elderly person's health.  The information below will help you to lead a healthy life - no matter how old you may be.


Water in the body decreases with age, so many older folks will become dehydrated very easily.  Sometimes
they won't feel thirsty, while other times it's too much work to pour a glass a water.  With this in mind, it's recommended that they drink at least 1 ounce of water for every 2.2 pounds of weight.


At this stage in life, protein is very important. Protein is needed to support a healthy immune system and prevent the wasting of muscle.  Since energy needs are less, older folks should eat high quality protein such as eggs, lean meats, poultry, and fish.

Carbs and fiber

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the entire body.  You can find carbs in bread, cereals, pasta, and other grain products.  A diet that's high in fiber and water will help to prevent constipation as well.


Fat intake for the elderly should be limited, not eliminated.  You can limit fat by choosing lean meats, low fat dairy products, and food recuperation methods that don't include frying. 


For the elderly, iron deficiency can be seen with those who aren't eating much.  Good sources for iron include lean red meats or breakfast cereals.


Zinc intake is normally with the elderly, and to make matters worse, it's not absorbed very well either.  Meat, poultry, and fish should be a part of your diet to help you meet the requirements for zinc.


Calcium is one ingredient that most elderly folks simply aren't getting enough of.  Most believe that milk upsets their stomach, and therefore they will avoid it. 

They should be getting around 1,500 mg of calcium a day, and nonfat powdered milk can be used in recipes as a substitute for milk.  Other foods such as yogurt, low fat cheese, and broccoli can also help you meet the requirements for calcium.

Vitamin B12
In order to absorb the benefits of B12, the intrinsic factor must be produced by the stomach.  Most elderly people suffer from a deficiency in B12 because they have a condition known as atrophic gastritis.  This
condition causes inflammation of the stomach, bacterial overgrowth, and the intrinsic factor.

Without the intrinsic factor, this vitamin can be absorbed. Each one of the above nutrients are needed to keep
an aged body in good health.  Elderly individuals should try to stay active and strive for a well balanced diet.

  Even though the aged body isn't the same as it used to be, proper care and the right nutrients can help the elderly enjoy a healthy and long life.

Eating Healthy On The Run

Whether your traveling on the go or around the home, you don't need to give up healthy eating  simply because you are on the run.  The fact is, healthy eating is even more important when your trying to keep up with a busy schedule.

Having a good diet will help your body to handle stress better.  As you hustle about, a healthy meal
is probably the last thing you think about.  The following tips can help you eat when your on the go.


With tempting menus, large portions, and a festive atmosphere, it's easy to skip healthy eating.  It's okay to splurge every now and then, although you'll pack on a lot of weight if you make it a habit. When you eat out at restaurants, always be smart  about it.


An airport can be a very stressful place, although you shouldn't scrap your diet because of it.  Eat because you are hungry, not because of stress,  boredom, or to kill time.

In your car

Keep some healthy snacks in your car at all times, so that when you get hungry - you have them.

At home

Evenings and mornings are busy times in most homes. Making the time to eat can be hard, although you shouldn't run out the door without eating breakfast first.  Cereal with milk, a banana, muffin, or even
a bagel is a great way to start the day.

Anytime you are on the go, always make sure that you make the right food decisions.  You can take healthy
food with you if you need to, so that you have it when you need it.

  Eating healthy on the go is easy to do, once you know how.  Never sacrifice healthy food for junk, as your body will regret it later.

4 Important Cooking Oils

Everyone knows the foods to eat that improve health, although how we cook the food can be just as important. With there being so many oils and butter products claiming to be the best, it can be quite difficult
to know which ones to use and which ones to avoid.

1.  Canola oil

Canola oil is a popular oil, with many physicians claiming that it has the ability to lower the risk of heart disease.  The oil is low in saturated fat, high in monounsaturated fat, and offers the best  fatty acid composition when compared to other oils.

You can use canola oil in sauting, as a marinade and even in low temperature stir frying.  It has a bland flavor, which makes it a great oil for foods that contain many spices.  Unlike other oils, this one won't interfere with the taste of your meal.

2.  Olive oil

olive oil offers a very distinct flavor with plenty of heart healthy ingedients.  The oil is rich in monounsaturated fat, helps to lower cholesterol levels and reduce risk of cancer.  It's also rich in antioxidants and has a very long storage life.

Even though it can be used in cooking, it's the healthiest when uncooked, such as with a salad or dipping sauce.  When you use it with cooking, you should heat it on low to medium temperatures, making sure to avoid high heat.

3.  Butter

Butter is one food that has been around for many, many years.  Butter tastes good, and offers sources of Vitamin A and other fat soluble vitamins such as E, K, and even D.  Butter is also made from natural ingredients and not chemically or artificially processed.

You can use butter with cooking, baking, or even as a spread.  You can also pair it with creamy sauces, marinades, baked dishes, or even bread.

4.  Margarine

Margarine was first introduced as an alternative to high fat butter.  When it was first created however, it was loaded with trans fat, a substance that we now know raises bad cholesterol.

As a cooking oil, margarine tastes good, it's lower in fat than most oils and butter, and it's quite easy to spread.  It's available in a variety of different products and a good source of vitamin E.

When it comes to cooking with oils, there are several at your disposal.  There are many more than what is mentioned here, although the ones above are the most popular.

 Eating healthy involves cooking healthy food - which is where your cooking oil really takes center stage.

Eating Healthy When Outside

If you go out to a restaurant to eat, you probably watch your calories very closely.  To assist you with your calorie watching when dining out, these tips will help you make the most of it.

-  Always order salad dressings or sauces on the side, as this way you have control over how much you add
to your meal.

-  When you order grilled fish or vegetables, you should ask that the food be grilled without butter or oil, or prepared with very little or either or.

-  Anytime you order pasta dishes, be on the lookout for tomato based sauces instead of the cream based
sauces.  Tomato based sauces are much lower in fat and calories, and tomato sauce can even be counted as a vegetable!

-  You should always try to drink water, diet soda, or tea instead of soda or beverages that contain alcohol. 

-  If you order dessert, share with a friend. Half  of the dessert will equal half of the calories.

-  When you choose a soup, remember that cream based soups are higher in fat and calories than other soups.  A soup can be a great appetizer, as most are low in calories and you fill you up pretty fast.

-  When ordering a baked potato, ask for salsa instead of sour cream, butter, cheese, or even bacon.  Salsa
is very low in calories and provides a healthy alternative with plenty of flavor and spice.

-  When you are full, stop eating.  Listen to your body and what it tells you.

-  If you get full, take half of your meal home. The second portion of your meal can serve as a second meal later.  This way, you get two meals for the price of one.

-  If you're looking to eat less, order two appetizers or an appetizer and a salad as your meal.

-  If you get a choice of side dishes, get a baked potato or steamed vegetables instead of french fries. 

-  Always look for food on the menu that's baked, grilled, broiled, poached, or steamed.  These types
of cooking use less fat in the cooking process and are usually much lower in calories.

-  Plain bread or rolls are low in both fat and calories.  When you add the butter and oil, you increase the fat and calorie intake.

-  As key ingredients to your meal, choose dishes with fruits and vegetables.  Both fruits and  vegetables are great sources of dietary fiber as well as many vitamins and minerals.

-  Choose foods made with whole grains, such as whole wheat bread and dishes made with brown rice.

-  If you crave dessert, look for something with low fat, such as berries or fruit.

-  Always remember not to deprive yourself of the foods you truly love.  All types of foods can fit into a well balanced diet.

Eating Healthy For Vegetarians

The vegetarian way of eating can be a very healthy style of eating.  The rules still apply with healthy eating,
although you should add variety, balance, and moderation.

A vegetarian is someone who avoids all types of meat, whether it be hamburgers, hotdogs, chicken, or even fish.Vegetarians are also sometimes classified by the type of food they are or aren't willing to eat.  For example,Lacto-ovo vegetarians will avoid animal flesh yet they will eat eggs and most dairy products.  A Vegan on the other hand, will avoid all food that has any trace of animal origin.

Because they don't eat meet, vegetarians will often wonder how they'll get enough protein.  Although you may not realize it, the average American actually consumes more protein than he actually needs.  For the lacto-ovo vegetarian, dairy products are an excellent source of protein.  Vegans on the other hand, get their protein from nuts, seeds, and soy products.

Along the lines of beans, there are several to choose from, including green or red lentils, peanuts, split
peas, pinto, soy, kidney, and many more.  Some of them you are already familiar, such as kidney beans in
chili, fried beans in Mexican dishes, red beans and rice, and pinto beans.  Although some beans taste good
as they are, others are available with different flavors to help enhance their taste.

  Nuts are high in protein, although they deliver a lot more fat than beans, which means you should enjoy them in moderation.  By having  one cup of cooked beans, you'll get the same amount of protein as eating two ounces of meat!

The nutrients of concern for vegans, who avoid all types of animal food, are vitamin B12, calcium, and vitamin D. In the average North American diet, the primary source for B12 is animals.  To have an adequate intake of B12,  vegans should regularly consume vitamin B12 supplements or foods, which contain vitamin B12, such as soy products or milk. 

For calcium, vegans can rely on orange juice or soy milk, as they are fortified with calcium.  Beans and
leafy green vegetables will also contain some calcium as well.

Although all types of vegetarians rely on simple food groups, controlling your vitamins and calcium intake is
something you should always do.  This is very important for eating healthy, as well as staying healthy.  If you
control what you eat, you'll have many years of healthy eating ahead of you.

Food Poisoning And How To Prevent It

Food poisoning is an acute gastroenteritis caused by the consumption of a food material or a drink which contains the pathogenic micro organism or their toxins or poisonous chemicals.Food poisoning is common in hostels,hotels,communal feedings, and festival seasons.

A group of persons will be affected with same type of symptoms ,and they give a history of consumption of a common food before few hours.

Types of food poisoning

1) Bacterial food poisoning:

Here the micro organisms called bacteria are responsible.The food material may contain the pathogenic bacteria or their toxin and will be ingested along with the food.

2) Non bacterial food poisoning:

Due to the presence of toxic chemicals like fertilizers,insecticides,heavy metals and etc.

Since bacterial food poisoning is common it is discussed here.

Bacterial food poisoning:

All bacteria are not harmful.There are some pathogenic bacteria which secrete toxins and cause clinical manifestations.These organisms enter the human body through food articles or drinks.

How food poisoning occurs:

1) Presence of bacteria in the water.

2) The raw materials for the food may contain toxins.

3) Premises where the food is prepared may contain micro organisms or toxins.

4) Food handlers may have some infectious diseases.

5) Some animals like dogs,rats may contaminate the food.

6) If prepared food is kept in the room temperature for a long time and heated again can make a chance for food poisoning.

7) Purposely some body mixing toxins in the food.

Some common bacterial food poisonings.

1) Salmonella food poisoning:

There are three different varieties of salmonella bacteria.(salmonella typhimurium,salmonella cholera suis,salmonella enteritidis) These bacteria are present in milk, milk products and eggs.  Symptoms of this food poisoning include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.  Fever is also common.

2) Botulism:

This is the dangerous type of food poisoning caused by clostridium botulinum.   The spores of these organisms are seen in the soil and enters the human body through pickles and canned fish etc.Compared to other food poisonings here vomiting and diarrhea are rare Mainly the nervous system is affected.The symptoms starts with double vision,numbness with weakness.Later there will be paralysis with cardiac and respiratory failure ending in death.

3) Staphylococcal food poisoning:

It is caused by staphylococcus aureus. These organisms usually cause skin troubles like boils and eruptions.It causes mastitis in cow.Through the milk and milk products it enters and causes gastroenteritis.There will be vomiting,abdominal cramps with diarrhea.

4) Closteridium food poisoning:

This is caused by closteridium perfringens.They are present in stool,soil and water. They enter the body through,meat,meat dishes and egg etc.If food articles are cooked and kept in room temperature for a long time and heated again before eating can result this food poisoning.Symptoms include vomiting ,diarrhea and abdominal cramps.

5) Bacillus cereus:

The spores of these organisms can survive cooking and causes enteritis.  Diarrhea and vomiting is common in this infection.

How to investigate food poisoning?

1) Examine each and every person affected.

2) Water sample should be tested.

3) Kitchen, store room and food samples should be examined.

4) The cook and food handlers should be questioned and examined.

5) Samples of vomits and stool of all victims should be tested to identify the bacteria.

How to prevent food poisoning:-

1) Only purified water should be used.

2) Hygiene should be maintained by all persons keeping contact with food.

3) Workers should use masks, cap and gloves during cooking and serving.

4) Sick individuals should not come in contact with food materials.

5) Kitchen and premises should be neat and clean.

5) Vessels should be washed with soap and hot water.

6) Should not keep the prepared food for a long time in room temperature.

7) All food materials should be kept in closed containers.

8) Animals like dog, cat, rat etc should not come in contact with food materials.

9) Vegetables should be washed before cooking.

10) Meat should be fresh and should be purchased from recognized slaughter house.

11 Simple Foods That Help Cure Premature Ejaculation

The Search for the natural Viagra with no side effects ends in kitchen. There is an old adage that says ‘you are what you eat’. If you realize that something is not happening right regarding  your sexuality, it may be time for you to reconsider what you are feeding yourself on.

There are a number of foods that promote male sexuality which are available all over and since knowledge is power, you can begin consuming some if not most of them and see yourself becoming a super sexual man.  Premature Ejaculation can be remedied without resorting to dangerous medications or other harmful supplements. These foods are natural, safe, and effective libido boosters. Some of them include:

1. Watermelon: Some experts have called watermelon the new Viagra. Bhimu Patil, researcher and director of the Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center at Texas A&M University, stated eating watermelon delivers Viagra-like effects on blood vessels throughout the body and may increase libido!
This cool refreshing fruit contains citrulline amino acid. Citruline is good for the cardiovascular system and helps relax the blood vessels that increase sex drive.

2.Bananas: Eat some bananas. Bananas are already known for being high in potassium and having a good supply of fiber, but they can also increase your sex drive because of a substance called bromelain which helps to boost libido.

3. Chocolate: Pure chocolate is considered the king of natural aphrodisiacs for men. Chocolate contains certain “feel-good” chemicals. It releases serotonin in the brain, a chemical that aids in relaxation. Chocolate
contains a psycho-stimulant, phenylethylamine, which is responsible for the feeling of pleasure and excitement, similar to the natural high provided by endorphins (which are considered responsible for enhancing sexual desire and power in men)

4. Garlic: Eating raw garlic may make your partner turn the other way in bed, but it can certainly stir up your sexual desire. The heat in garlic is what stirs up your libido. Garlic contains allicin, which is thought to increase blood flow to sexual organs. This trick doesn’t work overnight however, apparently you need to consume it for about a month to reap its rewards. If you can’t stand the raw garlic go for the capsules found at your local natural food market.

5. Pumpkin seeds: Like oysters, pumpkin seeds are high in zinc which is essential for healthy sperm production and preventing testosterone deficiency in men. They are also loaded with libido vitamins and minerals like vitamin B, E, C, D, K and minerals including calcium, potassium, niacin and phosphorous.4 Next time Halloween comes around, now you know what to do with those left over pumpkin seeds, roast
those babies.

6. Figs: Legend has it figs were one of Cleopatra’s favorite foods. According to Dr. Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac., O.M.D, figs have been prized as a sensual food for their resemblance of the female sex organs. The ancient Greeks valued figs more precious than gold and many cultures associated figs with fertility.

7. Carrots and Eggs: Carrots are known for their libido enhancing qualities and hence a great remedy for treating premature ejaculation. Grate two carrots and add a half boiled egg to this. One tablespoon of honey too can be added along with this mixture. Taking this potent aphrodisiac is known to help people with
premature ejaculation.

At least three months of regular intake is necessary for a noticeable change in the condition. Since eggs are high in cholesterol, this must be done with care by patients with cholesterol problems. Once the results are satisfactory, the treatment can be slowly weaned off. The mixture is best taken in the morning for enjoying many other added benefits of carrots and honey.

8. Blueberries: In the world of nutrition blueberries can only be compared to the function of Viagra because
they are chock full of nutrients that help to pen up your blood vessels and thereby enhance blood circulation throughout the body. Blue berries promote male sexuality by also helping to drive out excess cholesterol from the blood stream resulting in an increased blood flow with the obvious result being a surge of blood
in the penis as and when required for sexual intercourse.

9. Pea nuts: Another great source of amino acids is peanuts because they are chock full of an amino acid
known as L-arginine which increases libido by helping to relax the blood vessels in the penis creating room for the gushing in of blood which eventually gives you a rock hard erection that is needed for a satisfying sexual act.

10. Maize: There are research findings that indicate that maize is rich in zinc which is required as a component in the production of testosterone, semen and the production of sperms. Your sexual desire and performance is largely as a result of the amount of testosterone you have in your body. Men who want to improve heir sexual health are therefore admonished to try eating corn either cooked, roasted or popped
as this will enhance a man’s desire to have sex. Many men who are impotent or living with some form of sexual dysfunction have been found to have a zinc deficiency.

11. Spices (Chilli Pepper/ Tatashi): Adding spices like cumin, curry and cayenne pepper to your meals can provide your blood flow an instant boost that improves your libido. Chili peppers specifically improve your
circulation. Cayenne pepper is a warming spice that increases your blood flow. You can add it to any dish as long as you do not suffer from indigestion. Curry is another spice that heats up your whole body, which can make your sexual organs more sensitive. Cumin is a warm spice that has traditionally been associated with enhancing your libido.

These are foods that boost ejaculation time,incorporate them into your meal today and watch your ejaculation time increase If you found this Article interesting then Subscribe to get More Writeups in Your Email, Thank you for Visiting.

(9) Nine Facts About Fiber

If you've been looking for a way towards a high
octane diet, you'll find fiber to be exactly what
you need.  Even though research has shown fiber to
be powerful, many people aren't taking this nutrient

To help you fuel your health with fiber, here are
10 facts to help.

1.  Fiber fights diseases.  A diet high in fiber can
help to prevent colon cancer and heart disease.  High
fiber helps the body to eliminate cholesterol by
binding it in the digestive tract.  For thousands of
years, fiber has been used to stop constipation.

2.  Fiber can actually help with overeating.  All high
fiber foods will take longer to chew and digest,
making you feel satisfied longer

3.  Most popular foods don't have enough fiber.  If
you like the more popular foods, you probably need
to increase your intake of fiber.

4.  Grains offer the most fiber.  Dietary fiber is
actually plant matter that we cannot digest.  The best
sources are whole grains and concentrated grain

5.  Kids need fiber as well.  Children that are older
than 2 years of age should consume a daily intake of
fiber.  Kids are most receptive to fiber found in
fruits, vegetables, and even fortified breakfast

6.  More fiber needs more water.  In order to keep
fiber moving through your digestive tract, you'll
need to consume a lot of water.  With your diet of
fiber, you'll need eight or more glasses of water
every day.

7.  Fiber cannot be cooked out.  When you cook
your fruits and vegetables, don't worry about cooking
the fiber out, as it stays.  The fiber found in
fruits and vegetables aren't just in the skin or
in the peel.

8.  You can get enough fiber.  If you eat more than
50 grams of fiber in a day, you can get diarrhea
and bloating, which can interfere with your body's
absorption of other key minerals.

9.  Getting the right amount of fiber in your diet
doesn't have to be hard.  Even though you may think
so, getting the amount of fiber you need isn't very
hard to do.  All you have to do is eat the right
foods and you'll be well on your way to a fiber
rich lifestyle.

As one of the key ingredients to healthy eating,
fiber is something you don't want to skip.  Fiber can
serve many different purposes, which were covered
above.  If you aren't getting enough fiber in your
diet - you should do something about now instead
of waiting until it is too late.

How Alcohol Affect The Brain

I once had the unusual, though unhappy, opportunity of observing the same phenomenon in the brain structure of a man, who, in a paroxysm of alcoholic excitement, decapitated himself under the wheel of a railway carriage, and whose brain was instantaneously evolved from the skull by the crash. The brain itself, entire, was before me within three minutes after the death.

 It exhaled the odor of spirit most distinctly, and its membranes and minute structures were vascular in the extreme. It looked as if it had been recently injected with vermilion. The white matter of the cerebrum, studded with red points, could scarcely be distinguished, when it was incised, by its natural whiteness; and the pia-mater, or internal vascular membrane covering the brain, resembled a delicate web of coagulated red blood, so tensely were its fine vessels engorged.

I should add that this condition extended through both the larger and the smaller brain, the cerebrum and cerebellum, but was not so marked in the medulla or commencing portion of the spinal cord.

The spinal cord and nerves.

The action of alcohol continued beyond the first stage, the function of the spinal cord is influenced. Through this part of the nervous system we are accustomed, in health, to perform automatic acts of a mechanical kind, which proceed systematically even when we are thinking or speaking on other subjects.

Thus a skilled workman will continue his mechanical work perfectly, while his mind is bent on some other subject; and thus we all perform various acts in a purely automatic way, without calling in the aid of the higher centres, except something more than ordinary occurs to demand their service, upon which we think before we perform.

Under alcohol, as the spinal centres become influenced, these pure automatic acts cease to be correctly carried on. That the hand may reach any object, or the foot be correctly planted, the higher intellectual centre must be invoked to make the proceeding secure. There follows quickly upon this a deficient power of co-ordination of muscular movement.

The nervous control of certain of the muscles is lost, and the nervous stimulus is more or less enfeebled. The muscles of the lower lip in the human subject usually fail first of all, then the muscles of the lower limbs, and it is worthy of remark that the extensor muscles give way earlier than the flexors. The muscles themselves, by this time, are also failing in power; they respond more feebly than is natural to the nervous stimulus; they, too, are coming under the depressing influence of the paralyzing agent, their structure is temporarily deranged, and their contractile power reduced.

This modification of the animal functions under alcohol, marks the second degree of its action. In young subjects, there is now, usually, vomiting with faintness, followed by gradual relief from the burden of the poison.

Effect on the brain centres.

The alcoholic spirit carried yet a further degree, the cerebral or brain centres become influenced; they are reduced in power, and the controlling influences of will and of judgment are lost. As these centres are unbalanced and thrown into chaos, the rational part of the nature of the man gives way before the emotional, passional or organic part.

The reason is now off duty, or is fooling with duty, and all the mere animal instincts and sentiments are laid atrociously bare. The coward shows up more craven, the braggart more boastful, the cruel more merciless, the untruthful more false, the carnal more degraded. ' In vino veritas ' expresses, even, indeed, to physiological accuracy, the true condition. The reason, the emotions, the instincts, are all in a state of carnival, and in chaotic feebleness.

Finally, the action of the alcohol still extending, the superior brain centres are overpowered; the senses are beclouded, the voluntary muscular prostration is perfected, sensibility is lost, and the body lies a mere log, dead by all but one-fourth, on which alone its life hangs.

 The heart still remains true to its duty, and while it just lives it feeds the breathing power. And so the circulation and the respiration, in the otherwise inert mass, keeps the mass within the bare domain of life until the poison begins to pass away and the nervous centres to revive again. It is happy for the inebriate that, as a rule, the brain fails so long before the heart that he has neither the power nor the sense to continue his process of destruction up to the act of death of his circulation. Therefore he lives to die another day.