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52 Most Important Parts Of The Human Body

1: Number of bones: 206

2: Number of muscles: 639

3: Number of kidneys: 2

4: Number of milk teeth: 20

5: Number of ribs: 24 (12 pair)

6: Heart chamber number: 4

7: Largest artery: Aorta

8: Normal blood pressure: 120/80 Mmhg

9: Blood Ph: 7.4

10: Number of vertebrae in spinal column: 33

11: Number of vertebrae in the neck: 7

12: Number of bones in middle ear: 6

13: Number of bones in face: 14

14: Number of bones in skull: 22

15: Number of bones in chest: 25

16: Number of bones in arms: 6

17: Number of muscles in the human arm: 72

18: Number of pumps in the heart: 2

19: Largest organ: Skin

20: Largest gland: Liver

21: Largest cell: female ovum

22: Smallest cell: Sperm

23: Smallest bone: Stapes middle ear

24: First transplanted organ: Kidney

25: Average length of small intestine: 7m

26: Average length of large intestine: 1.5 m

27: Average weight of newborn baby: 3 kg

28: Pulse rate in one minute: 72 times

29: Normal body temperature: 37 C ° (98.4 f °)

30: Average blood volume: 4 to 5 LITERS

31: LIFETIME Red blood cells: 120 days

32: LIFETIME White blood cells: 10 to 15 days

33: Pregnancy period: 280 days (40 weeks)

34: Number of bones in human foot: 26

35: Number of bones in each wrist: 8

36: Number of bones in hand: 27

37: Largest endocrine gland: Thyroid

38: Largest lymphatic organ: Spleen

40: Largest and strongest bone: Femur

41: Smallest muscle: Stapedius (middle ear)

41: Chromosome number: 46 (23 pair)

42: Number of newborn baby bones: 306

43: Blood viscosity: 4.5 to 5.5

44: Universal donor blood group: O

45: Universal recipient blood group: AB

46: Largest white blood cell: Monocyte

47: Smallest white blood cell: Lymphocyte

48: The increased red blood cell count is called: Polycythemia

49: Blood bank in the body is: Spleen

50: River of Life is called: Blood

51: Normal blood cholesterol level: 100 mg / dl

52: Fluid part of blood is: Plasma

A perfectly designed machine that allows you to enjoy this adventure is called life. Take care of it. Do not damage it with vices and excesses.

7 Tips To Identify Smart People

 Here are 7 ways to identify smart people.

  1. Curiosity: They are always seeking knowledge. They want to know more about the things that others take for granted.
  2. Improvising: The ability to think on their feet. When something goes unplanned they are able to adapt quickly.
  3. Funny: They tend to have a good sense of humor. It’s a sign of having high verbal intelligence.
  4. Empathy: They can think and feel what other person is going through. The ability to put themselves in another person’s shoes.
  5. Meaning of life: They like thinking about the big questions of life. What’s the meaning of life, the universe, etc.? To the very core of things.
  6. Self-control: They have the will to not give in to temptations. They plan things to avoid impulsive behavior.
  7. Happy alone: They tend to enjoy their own company. They don’t feel the need to always be around people.

5 Tips That Keeps People Young

1. Stay young.

Many people think, when young, that they don’t need to worry about eating right, exercising, cutting out bad habits and staying in good physical shape. And for a while they’re right, at least until they’re not. It’s far easier to get in shape when you’re young and keep it than correct it later in life. And it will keep you young longer.

2. Think young.

Many people, as they age, think of themselves as old. Every birthday is a day of regret. They remind themselves of all they can’t do. And they’re right. Instead, forget about your age. Think instead about all you still want to do and accomplish. And all the blessings you have. And you’ll find you start feeling as young as you think.

3. Talk young.

Along with thinking old many people start talking old. They talk about their aches and what they can’t do. And honestly, they talk themselves into it. Rather, talk about all you still want to do and all you’re enjoying doing. Focus on the gift of each new day. And you’ll discover again the wonder of feeling young.

4. Relate young.

Many older people only have older friends who they commiserate with about being old. And pretty soon younger people don’t really want to hang out with them because, well, it’s depressing. Instead, keep engaged with younger people. Your children, grand children and younger friends. They’ll keep you young.

5. Act young.

Too many older people get old before they are old. They may be older but they act like they’re on their deathbed. And soon they feel as old as they act and start a downward spiral. Instead, act like you did when young. Wake up expecting a great new day filled with new adventures. Then live out your day in wonder and joy. And you’ll feel as young as you act.

Sure growing older is part of life that comes to us all. Becoming an elderly person is a part of life you can put off.

Growing older chronologically is a fact. Growing older in attitude is a choice.