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Showing posts with label Water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Water. Show all posts

Water As A Mineral

Mineral Water is water that contains minerals or other dissolved substances that alter its taste or give it a therapeutic value. 

Salts, sulfur compounds and gases are among the substances that can be dissolved in water. 

Mineral water can be prepared or can be produced naturally.

Traditionally, mineral water was used or consumed directly from its source, which was commonly known as taking the waters or taking the cure, and such sites were referred to as spas, baths or wells. 

Spa was used when water was consumed and used in baths, baths when water was not widely consumed, and well when water was not generally used in baths. 

Frequently an active tourist center would grow around a site of mineral waters (even in ancient times, see Bath). Such tourist developments resulted in spa towns and hydrophonic hotels (usually abbreviated as Hydros).

In modern times, it is much more common for mineral waters to be bottled in the source and distributed for consumption. 

Traveling to mineral water sources for direct access to them is now uncommon, and in many cases is not possible (due to exclusive commercial property rights). 

There are more than 3000 mineral water brands commercially available worldwide.

The mineral water is that which is extracted from the subsoil already mineralized naturally from its origin, due to the materials through which it crosses and, the deeper the source is, the purer it will be. 

This is because it is further away from micro-biological and chemical contamination of the earth's surface. The biggest differences we can find between a natural water and a mineral water are the taste, the smell and its mineral content. 

These characteristics are provided by the rocks and sands by which, in most cases, they are filtered and give a unique and special touch depending on the area from which it is extracted.
Mineral contents
Slightly carbonated mineral water. Source of ferruginous water.
According to its mineral content water is classified as: 

Mineralization very weak: Its dry residue (total minerals present) is up to 50 mg / l. Mineralization weak: They are those that contain less than 500 mg / l. Strong Mineralization: Contains more than 1500 mg / l dry residue. Bicarbonate: Contains more than 600 mg / l of bicarbonates. Sulfated: Contains more than 200 mg / l of sulfates. Chloride: It has more than 200 mg / l of chloride. Calcium: Contains more than 150 mg / l of calcium. Ferruginous: Contains more than 1 mg / l of iron. Acid: Contains more than 250 mg / l of CO2. Sodium: It has a content higher than 200 mg / l sodium.  

Magnesium: Its content exceeds 50 mg / l of magnesium. Fluorinated: Contains more than 1 mg / l of fluoride.

Benefits to the human being
Benefits that these minerals contribute to our body:

Calcium: Helps strengthen bones and teeth. It also helps give muscle tone and controls nervous irritability.  

Magnesium: Helps muscle relaxation, it is a soothing and energizing natural, also participates in the energy balance of neurons, thus keeping the nervous system healthy. 

Helps to fix calcium and phosphorus in teeth and bones is involved in hormonal balance, helps prevent cardiovascular disease, optimal relaxation and sleep, and control intestinal flora.  

Sodium: it is very important in the cellular metabolism, it participates in the transmissions of nerve impulses and in the muscular contractions.  

Iron: Helps correct tissue oxygenation and helps oxygenate cells. Chloride: It participates in the transportation of oxygen to the cells, maintains the correct pH level in the gastric juices and stabilizes the body fluids.  

Fluoride: Strengthens the enamel preventing diseases of the teeth. The excess of this compound is toxic and can cause fluorosis, with the opposite effect to the one we were looking for, as it weakens the enamel (causing more cavities), and weakens our bones (decalcification and osteoporosis).  

Bicarbonate: They aid digestion and neutralize gastric secretion.  

Sulfates: They help the digestive system in general and the skin.  

Potassium: Does not generate a notable benefit due to its small amount.
Natural mineral water is currently being used as a luxury product since, in addition to the different origins and forms of extraction, the industry is taking advantage of to give it a touch of exclusivity through its design bottles.


Many companies dedicated to the extraction, manufacture and exploitation of this natural resource, are giving false testimonies of the origin, properties and specific classification of its product. 

Some companies may name their product as mineral water, being that they are actually bottling "purified water", there being a great difference between them.2


In many Spanish-speaking countries the term "mineral water" is commonly used to refer to "purified water," "demineralized water," or "still water." Precisely, mineral water contains these minerals that characterize it and produce the gas in the water. 

If the gas is removed from the mineral water it is left with a different flavor to "purified water" or "demineralized water". 

The correct way to refer to water is "mineral water" if you want to drink sparkling water or "purified water, demineralized or simply water" to refer to the still water.

The Water Molecule And It's Properties

Water consists of molecules formed by two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.Oxygen has a higher electronegativity than hydrogen at 2.1 on the Pauling scale with 3.5.  

The water molecule has thereby pronounced partial charges, with a negative polarity on the side of the oxygen and a positive on the side of the two hydrogen atoms.  

The result is a dipole whose dipole moment in the gas phase is 1.84 Debye.

When water acts as a ligand in a complex bond, water is a monodentate ligand. 

Geometrically, the water molecule is angled, with the two hydrogen atoms and the two pairs of electrons directed into the corners of an imaginary tetrahedron.  

The angle subtended by the two O-H bonds is 104.45 °. 

 It deviates from the ideal tetrahedral angle (~ 109.47 °) due to the increased space requirement of the lone pairs of electrons. The bond length of the O-H bonds is 95.84 pm each.

Because water molecules are dipoles, they have pronounced intermolecular attractive forces and can assemble into clusters by hydrogen bonding. 

 These are not stable, fixed links.  

The hydrogen bonding bond is only for a fraction of a second, after which the individual molecules release themselves from the composite and reconnect again with other water molecules in just as short a period of time.  

This process is repetitive and ultimately leads to the formation of variable clusters. These processes cause the special properties of the water:

Water has a density of around 1000 kg / m³ (originally the definition of the kilogram), more precisely: 999.975 kg / m³ at 3.98 ° C.  

A density anomaly refers to the property based on hydrogen bonding that water has the highest density at this temperature and even increases in volume as it cools down and even increases in volume during freezing, thus losing its density, so that ice floats on water.

the highest specific heat capacity of all liquids at room temperature (75.366 J · mol-1 · K-1 corresponding to 4.18 kJ · kg-1 · K-1 at 20 ° C.),after mercury the greatest surface tension of all liquids; in water it is 72 mN / m at +20 ° C in humid air, so that droplet formation is facilitated,the highest specific enthalpy of enthalpy of all liquids (44.2 kJ / mol corresponding to 2453 kJ / kg at 20 ° C, hence the cooling effect of the transpiration) and the high enthalpy of fusion (6.01 kJ / mol corresponding to 333 kJ / kg; that salt water shows little freezing point depression compared to pure water) a low thermal conductivity (0.6 W / (m K) at 20 ° C).

Depending on the isotopic composition of the water molecule, a distinction is made between normal "light water" (two atoms of hydrogen: H2O), "half-heavy water" (one atom of hydrogen and one atom of deuterium: HDO), "heavy water" of two atoms of deuterium: D2O and "excessive" Water "(two atoms tritium: T2O), with HTO and DTO still other molecules with mixed isotopes occur.

Under high tension, water can form a water bridge between two glass vessels. 

[1]Synthesis, electrolysis and chemical use Water as a chemical compound was first synthesized when Henry Cavendish exploded a mixture of hydrogen and air in the 18th century (see Knallgas reaction).

Hydrogen is considered the energy carrier of the future.→ Main article: Hydrogen economyLike electrical energy, hydrogen is not primary energy, but must be produced from primary energy in the same way as electricity generation. 

→: Hydrogen production For demonstration purposes, water is broken down into components in the Hofmann water decomposition apparatus. Scheme:2 H 2 O → 2 H 2 + O 2 {\ displaystyle \ mathrm {2 \ H_ {2} O \ rightarrow 2 \ H_ {2} + O_ {2}}} \ mathrm {2 \ H_ {2} O \ rightarrow 2 \ H_ {2} + O_ {2}} proof
Detection Reaction: Water turns white, anhydrous copper sulfate light blue, and blue cobalt (II) chloride paper turns red by water.

In the analysis, water in small quantities (humidity or dryness) is predominantly quantified by Karl Fischer titration (Karl Fischer).  

Monographs in pharmacopoeias for the quantitative detection of water are predominantly based on the Karl Fischer titration.Formation of bubbles in boiling water

Heat causes a faster movement of the water molecules. If 100 ° C is reached at the point of heat, it goes there (depending on the germ with more or less bumping) from the liquid to the gaseous state (vapor) whose volume is about 1600 times higher (see water vapor) and which rises as a result of its relative to the surrounding water lower density than more or less large bubbles: 

The water begins to boil.


The Advantages Of Drinking Freshly Juiced Vegetables

Drinking a daily vitamin packed drink of your choice that includes romaine lettuce, celery, stalks kale, apples, lemon, and fresh ginger (or make your own drink)

To eat healthy we need to eat daily one pound of raw vegetables for each 50 pounds of body weight. 

By juicing this amount, it is very easy to get 50% of your body weight’s requirement of raw vegetables. 

 Raw food is important to our body because when it is consumed, it does not raise our white blood cells like cooked food does.  

 It did not change when raw foods or low temperature cooked foods were consumed.

Health juices are not a new thing over history.

Lime juice cured scurvy in the16th century, saving thousands of sailor’s lives. 

But our generation has only recently discovered the nutritional and biochemical properties of fruit and vegetable fresh juices.  

 Juicing is the cheapest and most economical method to maintain the health of the individual in our time today.

 It was discovered that the best time to take a juice drink is in the morning and during the evening.

Freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruit contain more vitamins and minerals, along with enzymes, than any canned or fresh juice. 

When making your juice, always include a dark leafy vegetable such as spinach, broccoli, cabbage, or beet tops. 

It was discovered that the best time to take a juice drink is in the morning and during the evening. 

Within ten minutes after consuming the drink they are absorbed into the bloodstream. 

This is an advantage to drinking freshly juiced vegetables as compared to eating fresh vegetables and fruit. 

Eating solid foods take several hours to digest, while a fresh fruit or vegetable drink is absorbed quickly into the system.

The fiber is lost due to the juicing process but a higher amount of nutrients goes into the body and its system.

How Water Is Our Body’s Lifeblood

The human body can last weeks without food, but only days without water. The body is made up of approximately 55 to75 per cent water.

Water forms the basis of blood, digestive juices, urine and perspiration and is contained in lean muscle, fat and bones.

As the body can’t store water, we need fresh supplies every day to make up for losses from lungs, skin, urine and feces. 

Water is needed to maintain the health and integrity of every cell in the body, keep the bloodstream liquid enough to flow through blood vessels, help eliminate the by products of the body’s metabolism, helps to flush out toxins, regulate body temperature through sweating, lubricate and cushion joints and carry nutrients and oxygen to the body’s cells, just to name a few.

 Drinking refreshing, clean water plays a major role in reducing the risk of certain diseases.

The loss of body water through urination is greatly increased by the ingestion of decaffeinated and alcoholic beverages.

 These drinks have a diuretic effect, meaning they stimulate the kidneys to excrete more urine. Not only do we lose water, we also lose water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin C, vitamin B (thiamine) and other B complex vitamins.

 For every caffeinated or alcoholic beverage you drink, you need to add an additional glass of pure water.

A diet containing lots of fruits and vegetables will supply about 4 cups of water per day. Even with a diet high in fruits and vegetables, it is still necessary to drink an additional 6 to 8 cups of water per day to supply enough water to meet the body’s daily needs.

 For every caffeinated or alcoholic beverage you drink, you need to add an additional glass of pure water.

Dehydration occurs when the water content of the body is too low. This is easily fixed by increasing fluid intake. 

Symptoms of dehydration include headaches, lethargy, mood changes and slow responses, dry nasal passages, dry or cracked lips, dark-colored urine, weakness, tiredness, confusion and hallucinations. 

Eventually urination stops, the kidneys fail and the body can’t remove toxic waste products. In extreme cases, this may result in death.

Approximately six to eight glasses of a variety of fluids can be consumed each day. More than eight glasses may be needed for physically active people, children, people in hot or humid environments, and breastfeeding women. 

Less water may be needed for sedentary people, older people, people in a cold environment or people who eat a lot of high water content foods.

Water And Exercise

The human body is made up of over 75% of water, and as we all know, we cannot live without water.  The
fact is, we can only survive for a total of 3 days without water.

Water has however, been replaced in most diets by soft drinks and other sugar sweetened refreshments. Keep in mind that water is a healthier and necessary for leading yourself towards a better health and longevity.

Your own personal need for water can vary greatly due to exercise, weight, and temperature.  Research
has proven that over 2/3 of adults don't get the water they need on a daily basis. 

By drinking water on a regular basis you can replenish your body and keep it well hydrated and functioning as it should be.

A majority of us wait until we are thirsty before we drink water.  Keep in mind, this way isn't a reliable gauge of the water needs for the body. 

By the time you are thirsty you have already lost two of more cups of the body's water supply.  Therefore, drinking water regularly is much better than simply waiting until you are thirsty.

It is very important that you don't substitute beverages with alcohol and caffeine for water.  The reason behind this is that those types of beverages act as a diuretic and can cause you to lose more weight through increased urination.

You may think and feel as if you are getting more water through these beverages, although the fact is that you  are letting it go almost as fast as you consume it.

Anytime you exercise, you need more water. Due to perspiration, your body will lose quite a bit of water.  For each pound lost due to exercise, you need to drink 2 cups of water.  Even when you lay down

to sleep, your body loses water.  By drinking a glass or more of water before you go to sleep, you can wake up with your body functioning as it should be.

It should become more obvious that when you are sick you'll need more water than any other tine.  When
you get a cold or the flu, your body can become dehydrated quite quickly.  You can help to prevent this by drinking more water at times when you become sick.

There are several mixed opinions as to whether purified water will actually provide benefit.  This is a subject you should explore yourself as you determine the best type of water for yourself. 

Always make it a habit to drink water on a daily basis.  You should keep a bottle of water with you at all times and drink it throughout the day.  You should also teach yourself to drink water instead of other beverages that don't replenish the nutrients your body needs.

Benefits Of Drinking Water The Most Abundant Health Drink

Who needs commercial health drinks when water alone can help a person to be healthy? Many people don’t realize it but by drinking clean water can keep them from developing various diseases caused by the unhealthy environment.

If you are into consuming commercial health drinks that cost too much money, now is the time to consider water as your very own health drink. Aside from being pure, you can save more money since it is the most abundant health drink available.

Why drink water?

Studies say that an average individual's blood contains 83 percent of water. A person's muscles have 75 percent. The brain has 74 percent. The bone is 22 has percent.

If you sum it up, almost 80 percent of the person's body are made up of water. Experts say that there are several factors that affect the requirement of water to people. These factors include:

1. Exercise. This is because there is greater need for water since the body loses so much when there are rigorous muscular activities on a regular basis.

2. Climate change. Since hotness and humidity in certain areas can affect the water requirement of the person in that specific place.

3. Health conditions. When a person has diarrhea, experience vomiting, and fever, they need more replenishment of water since the body loses a great amount of it during these times.

4. Pregnancy. This condition requires additional water to keep the body well-hydrated at all times.

Health benefits of water

Experts say that people need adequate supply of healthy water because it gives energy. Aside from that, it also helps avoid dehydration, and it gets people moving. It also helps relieve constipation, and beats stress. Other health benefits of drinking healthy water include:

- keeping the skin soft, supple healthy and glowing;

- improving the blood circulation in the body;

- helping kidneys and liver to remove toxins from the system;

- preventing memory loss;

- eliminating instances of frequent headaches and dizziness;

- increasing mental and physical performance;

- removing toxins and other waste products from the body;

- aiding weight loss, and

- allowing proper digestion

Safe water as a health drink

Experts say that to remain healthy, one of the most important things a person should consider is taking in lots of healthy water. And what better way to do this but to use it as a health drink?

However, the quality of tap water is no longer reliable for health purposes these days. If you want to use your own water as health drink, it is a must to ensure that it is safe and clean.

One of the ways to do this is by using a water filter. Experts believe that through the use of water filter, one can ensure that he or she is drinking healthy water for himself or herself and for his or her family.

Today, there are many brands of water filters available in the market. Majority of these comes in various shapes and sizes. But, before buying a water filter, you must know what is the most suitable type for your water source.

Once you have safe and clean water through the use water filter, rest assured that you can come up with you very own health drink at the comforts of your home or office.

Healthy Reasons To Drink Fruits Juice

In a very fast-paced and high-pressure world we seem to forget to eat healthy. And to make things quicker, it seems to be easier to put everything, vitamins and minerals in one gulp. 

Health drinks are proliferating in the market. But what is more economically efficient than making your own health drink?

If you are a person who finds it difficult to insert vegetables and fruits into your diet, then think of drinking fresh juices and vegetable juices. Freshly made juices are a great source vitamins, minerals, enzymes and co-enzymes.

 Enzymes serve as catalyst for the processes and chemical reactions that happen throughout your body. Enzymes are much needed when you digest, convert and absorb food into body tissue.

There are fruits and vegetables whose nutrients and vitamins are trapped in the fibers. These nutrients and vitamins get released after blending them. 

This make blended fruit and vegetable juices more nutritious compared to eating them whole. Also, drinking fruits and vegetables make it easier for the fibers and nutrients to get quickly into the bloodstream and system.

There are studies showing that drinking fruit and vegetable juices are best done every morning and evening. The juices drank in the morning and evening will get into the bloodstream within ten minutes after drinking it.

If you are interested in creating your own vegetable and fruit juice, here are some steps that can get you started in your healthy habit:

• Purchase a juice machine.

• Remember to juice vegetables and fruits when they are raw.

• Fruits that have small seeds like watermelon and pears can be juiced with their seeds. But papaya and apple seed need to be taken out before being juiced. Orange and grapefruit seeds can leave a bitter taste to the mouth, so you can take it out also.

• Fruits and vegetables which are not organically grown should be peeled. There may be chemical residues left on the skins of the fruits. While pineapple, kiwis, oranges, grapefruit and papaya skins should be removed even if they are organically grown.

• When choosing fruits and vegetables, make sure to pick out the fresh and ripe ones. Wilted, under-ripe, bruised fruits and vegetables are not good for you and does not taste good too.

• Follow the instructions in your juice machine. Make sure to cut the fruits and vegetables in pieces suitable for the juice machine. After juicing, remove the pulp right away. If you leave it, it would have sour smell and would have fruit flies within 8 to 10 hours after juicing.

• Drink your juices immediately. It is better to drink freshly made juice.

Do not be afraid to try out combinations. You can use different fruits in season to create a great tasting health drink, you can use bananas, mangoes and pineapple. Their tart and sweet flavor can be balanced with fruits like strawberries, kiwi fruit and oranges. 

When using vegetables, it is best to use dark leafy vegetables like spinach or beet tops. For added flavor, you can even add yoghurt and ice cubes for the chill. You can even add ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg or vanilla extract to complete your healthy concoction.

Health juices as health drinks are not new. As early as 16th century, lime juice was used to save sailors against scurvy. But it seems like for a while, health benefits of fruits and vegetables have been forgotten and currently we are on the way to rediscover it.